Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Letters to Isa - September 28, 1987

Dear Isa,

Enjoy the beautiful pictures enclosed.  Jillian is just fine and happy and growing mentally and physically by leaps and bounds.

She really has quite a vocabulary of "goos" and "ahs" and the cutest laugh you've ever heard.  She looks so much like Gordon - especially when she frowns!

We're so happy you're coming here again.  Jillian will be at the perfect age and being able to be together for the holidays will be very special.  We're talking about getting up to the mountains while you are here.  I think you'd really enjoy our mountains and scenery.

Gordon has been really busy.  He has 3 new listings - one has already sold and just opened an escrow with a buyer.   Business got slow about the time Jillie was born.....but as soon as he started hitting the streets again he picked up business.  It always makes his "attitude" much better.

I took a full time job - started last week.  I'm selling  money!  I'm a "loan consultant" for a major mortgage company about 2 blocks from home.  I'm on fixed salary - a pretty good one and can switch to commission if I wish.  It's pretty much a 9-5 job and being away from Jillie is killing me.  She stays with a woman across town 4 days a week and Gordon takes off 1 day a week to be with her.  I'm still nursing and expressing milk.  I go to her at lunch and she takes a bottle of breast milk in the mid afternoon.  It's working out okay but being across town is a pain at lunch - plus I don't want anyone with her except Gordon or me.  I spent alot of time crying last week missing her.

We are looking into having an "illegal alien" live with us Monday-Friday.  A good friend of mine - a business associate of both Gordon and mine - has an El Salvadorian living with her - cares for her child; cleans the house; does the laundry and cooks all meals.  Sounds good huh?  Anyway her caregiver has a friend or family member who needs a family - so it might be us.  It's a bit more expensive but with me working full time, we could swing it.  She'd live-in M-F; go to San Francisco to be with family Friday night then return Sunday evening.  She'd stay in the babies room while you are here.  Anyway, we should know in the next couple of weeks.  It would be worth having her here just so I could be with Jillian more and longer at lunch.

Gordon and I are taking Jillian to Washington, D.C. at Thanksgiving for 5 days.  Mom didn't see Jillie because she had to go home the day before she was born and my dad couldn't come out, as planned, this month so we really feel we have to get back there while she's so little.  We got a great deal on airfare and mom's helping too.  So we'll have family for both special holidays.  Naturally everyone is very excited!

I'll sign off for now. Drop us a line when you can. Looking forward to seeing you in December.

With love,

Sharon, Gordon and Jillian

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