Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Letters To Isa - First Letter

Sunday, October 5, 1986

Dear Mrs. Corsie,

Thought I'd jot a letter to you and let you know how Gordon and I are doing.  I know Gordon calls you but never writes so I'll try to fill in.

As you already know, there have been many changes going on here.  We have both switched offices as of this past week.  Gordon on Wednesday and I moved Friday.  Both moves are very positive and there was no love lost with Harris Real Estate.

Gordon's office, Allied Brokers, is now the largest office in the valley with close to 40 full time agents.  The office is mostly men 40+ years older with many years experience in the business.  I think that's good for Gordon (I don't mind fewer women either!).  Another good friend of ours, Mark, is there too so Gordon has a comrade!

Gordon works so hard and is doing quite well.  This business is not easy especially for someone new to the country who has never purchased property here and has to learn all the weird, ever-changing laws.  I'm proud of Gordon and his successes.  I wish he weren't so hard on himself.  He expects to be a "self-made millionaire" too fast!

I moved to a smaller office in "downtown" Pleasanton - Vintage Realty.  My commission split, like Gordons, is so much better and the people there are older and wiser too.  I like being in the older section of town.  There's lots of character there.  Just the other day they closed down Main Street in the middle of a busy day for a parade!  Very quaint city!

Gordon and I decided on different offices mainly because of our living "arrangement".  We both think it's better not to live and work together.  Leave a little something for when we come home!  Plus this way we can ring up each other to have lunch!

So far living with your son has been a real joy.  He is very thoughtful and kind.  He's getting quite domestic - making the bed, doing the dishes and even cooking!  Can you believe it?

He has been very busy with this huge wall in our stairwell.  It's about 24 feet tall and was covered with horrible wallpaper. Gordon stripped off the paper, sanded the wall and refinished it in preparation for new wallpaper.  I think the paper we chose will spend quite a few months in the closet.....the project has been a real pain and sometimes makes Gordons language quite bad!  Hopefully the wall will be finished by the time you arrive in April!

Gordon was just beaming when he told me you were coming over.  He was so disappointed that you couldn't come in September.  It's been too long since the two of you have seen each other.  He misses you, his grandmother, friends and home so much.  Sometimes he gets very sad poor thing.  I know how it feels.  I grew up in Washington, DC and all my family and friends are there.  I see them about once a year but it's still hard to be away.  And, of course, I can go see them  right now, Gordon can't.

Two weeks ago we went up into the Sierra mountains for 3 days.  It was fabulous to be away from Pleasanton.  We have friends that have a cabin and they loaned it to us at no charge.  We hiked, played football (American), drank alot of wine, slept, climbed rocks by the river and it snowed too, so we got to pelt each other with snowballs!  It was a much needed relaxing weekend which ended too soon.  Unfortunately, we both had to show property on Sunday so we left early.  The good news is that Gordon sold a house that day so it was worth the early departure.

This Wednesday we start scuba classes together at a club I belong to.  It will take about 6-7 weeks to complete the course but your son will be a certified diver.  I took the class one year ago, but I'll take it again to be Gordon's "buddy".  In diving, you must dive with another person you call your "buddy".  All of the initial water work will be done in a pool at the club including use of tanks, then we'll do 2 open water dives in the Monterey Bay. The water is about 50 degrees so we will wear full wetsuits.  We'll keep you informed on our progress.

We have talked about going someplace warm (within the U.S.) just after the New Year for some sun and to allow Gordon to use his new found scuba skills in warm water without a wet suit.  Of course it will depend on how our businesses are going.  We both crave warm weather and lounging at a beach so it's a good incentive to work hard this fall and early winter.

I seem to be going on & on, so I'll stop and give you a break.  I'm so looking forward to meeting you in April.  We have a couple of ideas up our sleeves about what to do when you are here!  Until then, take care of yourself and please send regards to Gordon's grandmother and friends.

Sending you our love,


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