Saturday, October 29, 2011

Letter to Isa - February 17, 1988

Dear Isa,

Thank you for the letter and pictures.  There are some good ones there - especially in her pretty pink dress!  Unfortunately the pictures we had taken at the studio didn't turn out.  They say there was a flaw in the film.  I rather doubt it.  They got an earful from me and we're not finished yet.  What a farce!

Jillian is doing just great. Her new favorite food is avocado.  I just mash it up and shovel it in!  I think she likes its color most of all.  She also likes winter melon. Her new trick is at bath time you start the water - take her to the T.V. room and remove her clothes.  She crawls all the way into the bath room pronto!  She hears the water running and takes off!  We really have to watch her closely because she moves so fast.  And she loves electrical cords!  Gordon has placed plastic stops in all the electrical outlets and has put cabinet latches on the kitchen cupboards where there are cleaning things and glass.  Her crib has been lowered a notch too!

After her bath with Mom!

Still her favorite word is Dada but she slips in an occasional baba and now nana.  I'm trying to teach her lala and to say tata when we leave, but she's not quite got it yet.

Jillie just got over roseola - or baby measles. She had a 103 degree fever for 2 days with no symptoms. The doctor didn't want to see her though but called to see that she was okay.  After the fever was gone she broke out in a rash on her tummy and back. So I called the doctor and she said no big deal just watch her.  But the 3rd day of rash she became very fussy so I took her to the doctor at 7:00 pm.  Still they said she was okay and sure enough the next morning she was as good as new.  It's always scary though.  With the fever I had to get up each night a couple of times so it took a couple nights for her to figure out she's okay and to stay asleep.  So far she continues to sleep through the night.

Jackie is working out great!  She's even talking about staying a year - although don't say anything to Helen or George.  I think they will be disappointed if she doesn't come home in 6 months.  Jillie really likes Jackie and even takes a bottle from her beautifully if I'm delayed.  In fact today I was gone to a seminar for 5 1/2 hours so Jackie gave her milk.  She took 3 bags full!  Good girl!

So because of her ease with Jillie and vice-versa - Gordon and I have decided to use our gift certificate for the bed and breakfast for our wedding anniversary.  So March 3 we will spend our first night away from our daughter.  I'm already thinking about it too much!  I'm sure I'll miss her terribly.

Jackie and I took Jillie to the beach the other day with the car top down!  It's been really warm here - so we put her sunhat on, bundled her up and took off. It was a great day - Jillie slept most of the way, of course.  We went out on the wharf and to the boardwalk/promenade and a walk along the cliff overlooking the ocean.  She walked barefoot in the grass for the first time. She had an incredibly funny look on her face then she started stomping her feet really fast.  I've got pictures I'll send you when they are developed.

With Jackie in Santa Cruz...her first trip and walking in the grass barefoot!
 Jackie went out with some girlfriend's of mine from the office.  She had a nice time.  She spent the night at my friends home. Jackie has also joined the health club.  The other day all four of us went over and I took Jillie to the childcare for the first time.  I told the girls that she's never been in a place like that and they said "and mom is more upset than baby right?"  They were right.  She was mesmerized by the other kids and hardly knew I was gone at all!  I cried!!!  Anyway they have walkers there like hers and there were other kids her age to roll around on the "new" carpet with. Gordon checked on her while I was in aerobics and he said she was on the floor with another kid playing.  So I guess it's OK to take her there after all.

Gordon has 2 new listings - 1 of them has already sold - so things are picking up.  My business continues to be weird and I'm now making a decision about what I'm going to do. I'd like to stay home with Jillie for a while - but I can't.

We've yet to finish the wallpaper in our bathroom!  So what else is new!?! and it's getting so warm that I need to think about fixing up at least the entry way garden.

I have given Jillie that special kiss you directed in your letter.  I know she misses her companion, especially in the morning as I know you do too.  We miss you too, especially the extra hands to help with her.  I was and am very sad that you had to leave and cannot spend more time with Jillie as she grows.  I want her to know her grandparents.  I think isn't very important.  Hopefully it won't be too long before we are together again.

My sister and mom are coming out for 4 days beginning March 24.  I'm really looking forward to their visit.  I wish my mother could have 6 weeks with Jillie too.  I'll write and tell you about their visit and send pictures too.

Jillian's new muck-luck's and Raggedy Anne and Andy hand-sewn by Aunt Sis.  That's my rocker from when I was a little girl. 

Give our love to all there.  We haven't heard from Jimmy - but we haven't called up there either so we don't know what he's up to.

We'll talk to you soon.

With love,  Gordon, Sharon and Jillian

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