Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Bag, A Zone And Two Very Nice Fellows - Day 38

Ugh, travel day.  I don't mind getting on a airplane and I'm not afraid to fly.  I love to journey.  But when it comes to going home.....I just want to be there and I don't like the process of getting there.  Too much hurry up and wait.

Now having said that, Gordon and I think we have planned this return home just right.  Traveling against the jet stream always adds more hours on to your return, 2 to be exact, so we don't want to add more stress on us by getting up and leaving at some un-Godly hour.  So our flight left from Edinburgh at 12:10pm.  We got up slow, took showers, went down to the lounge for breakfast, read the newspaper, caught a cab and had plenty of time to Duty Free shop too!

Unfortunately there were no extra leg room seats available and, even though I like to sit near the front, we were stuck in row 32 out of 40 rows.  And the lady who sat next to me, I was center seat, was a REAL BAG!  There wasn't anybody or anything on that plane that could make her happy.  She was complaining about everything.  Granted, she had some legitimate complaints, for instance, her table tray would come down but it wasn't flat, it had a slight lean (away) in it.  I thought it was better that it leaned away from her instead of toward her.  She let all the Cabin Stewards and anyone willing to listen know about it.  And, being on the aisle, people would brush up against her, or the Cabin Stewards carts would knock her chair and she was terribly annoyed by that.  But the worst part was, even though I was in the  middle with no "private" armrest, she thought she should have both of the armrests attached to "her" chair.  Now she didn't say anything to me but she kept pushing against my arm and giving me looks when my arm shared the rest!  Of course, the more she did it the more I played along!  It gave me something to do to irritate her!  I know that's not very big of me but so what! 

The really worst part about the 8 hour flight was the TV/movie system worked for about 40 minutes and then that was it.  No inflight TV or movies.  Now that's big for an 8 hour flight.  If you remember, on my way to Scotland, I had the only tv on the plane that didn't work and now this!  Continental/United will be getting an email from us.

The flight was turbulent due to a very strong jet stream and we arrived into Newark, NJ, our new time zone, about 45 minutes late but we scampered through Immigration and Customs with no problem.  I'm so glad we didn't have to open our would I explain all that stuff!?  Re-checked our bags and started back through security and who's next to us in line?  No other than "bag" lady!  But we paid her no mind - bought a sandwich for our next flight and texted or chatted with the girls until time to board our second flight.

We did have upgraded seats on this flight - exit row with tons of leg room and a seat between us too!  AND working TV's.  I watched the Food Network, Seinfeld, The Biggest Loser (gotta get inspired!), Rachael Maddow and various other shows right up until landing.

By the time we had switched zones again and off the plane and to baggage claim, our luggage was there!  What?  That's impossible!  AND the best part was our dear, dear friends, Tom and Ken, were there waiting for us with their "church-goin'" car, the Cadillac, so we cruised home in luxury and style and caught up with them.

Tom and Ken are the nicest, sweetest people.  We have each commented that the four of us are like siblings.  They care so much for us and us for them.  They took care of our home and two kitties while we were away and went WAY above and beyond official duties!  Raking leaves and vacuuming the house.  I even thing my perfume bottles look polished!  The cutest thing was, when I turned the corner into the kitchen, look what I saw:

Isn't that sweet?  Two beautiful decorative gourds, our homepicked cucumbers, a bottle of wine and some homebaked zucchini bread along with a welcome home page and pretty leaves and ribbon.  SO SO NICE.

So I dedicate this blog to our dear, dear friends, Tom and Ken.  You made our trip so simple by taking care of us while we were gone; getting us to the airport and picking us up; making sure the "kids" were fed and happy; and taking such wonderful care of our garden and all the potted plants and everything associated with this home and yard.  We thank you SO, SO much.  We were so at ease while we were gone knowing you two were in charge.

We owe them BIG TIME!

So now we are back - got up at 5ish.  I was at the grocery at 5:45 this morning getting milk, 1/2 and 1/2 and organic fruits and eggs for our new "lifestyle" change!  No more pints, no more gravy's and potatoes -'s depressing to be home already!

Thank you all for reading my travel thoughts and hope you enjoyed reading as much as we've enjoyed living and recording the experiences.

......Until next time!

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