Saturday, October 22, 2011

Dear Mum - December 24th, 1986

Dear Mum,

I have just received your letter thanks.  We just were at the doctors yesterday and the due date is July 30th.

Tomorrow for Xmas day we are heading into a posh hotel in San Francisco for brunch then we will probably stop by Ella's and say hello for a while.  We are going round to our friends later at night for a couple of drinks.

I have just finished a very busy month, I realized that in this month of December I earned more money than in any 1 year at any job ever in my life!  However that just makes up for the months I made zero.  Next year with either John or Kelly (baby names) and Sharon not working for a while I will have to do twice as much business.

Thank you for the calendar- it will look very nice hanging up.

Needless to say - the trip to Hawaii has been cancelled - maybe we can do that in about 18 years time!

No snow for Xmas in fact it has been warm here - no skiing at all.  I was hoping to try it this year.  For Real Estate I am getting on very well at my new office - my Broker is being very helpful.

Sharon has not felt badly at all.  She was 10lbs when born - how heavy was I?  and were there any complications?  She has already put on weight and is not very happy about it.

Well, I'll give you a call tomorrow.  Merry Xmas.

Love  Gordon

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