Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Letters to Isa - August 28, 1987

Dear Isa,

Sorry this letter and pictures came so late.  Everything seems whirlwind these days!  Between changing Jillian and feeding and bathing Jillian there is little time to do more.  Just this week I'm getting organized and free enough to prepare a decent dinner for us.

Jillian is thriving - already up to 10lbs!  We took her for her 2 week check up and the doctor says  she is in excellent health.  She now sleeps in her own crib and room and feeds between 3 and 4 hours at night so we are seeing a little more sleep these days.  I have gotten the hang of expressing milk so Gordon now feeds Jillian one bottle a day.  He's also in charge of baths.  I think Jillie enjoys it as much as dad!  Fortunately, because Gordon's schedule is flexible, he is able to spend good quality time with Jillian, especially mornings when she's very awake and smiling.  He really is a great dad - very attentive - and loves to dress Jillie like she's a doll!

My recovery has been quick.  I feel pretty much back to normal except for another 15lbs to go.  I think that's a stone and 1/2?  I started back exercising this week and I've been working some too.

Gordon's business went through a slump a month ago but it's picking up again.  He took a new listing last night and has a full weekend of showing property.  It looks like he'll be getting another 3 listings in the next couple of weeks too.

We hope to take off 4 or 5 days in the next 2 weeks to go to Ken and Katy's cabin up in the mountains.  The same place we went last fall.  Jillian has gotten several sweater outfits as well as all of the beautiful sweaters sent from Scotland so she will be well outfitted.  Gordon says she has more clothes than him!

We hope you have been feeling better and taking it easy.  You really should be living here in California.  Do you have any word on Christmas yet?

I hope you enjoy the pictures. We have another roll in the camera so we'll send more soon.  If you need more wallet size photos, just let me know.

We are all well and happy and thinking of you.  Write when you can.

Sending our love -

Sharon, Gordon and Jillian

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