Monday, October 31, 2011

Letters to Isa - April 4, 1988

Dear Isa,

Thank you for the lovely dress for Jillie. It is really pretty and will look so cute on her.  What a lucky girl.  Her wardrobe keeps growing.  Mom and Shirley came and brought her several more outfits.

We had a nice - if short - visit.  They came Thursday afternoon and left Monday afternoon.  I took them to the wharf in Santa Cruz on Friday, it was a beautiful day.  Saturday Katie and Shorty came over and Jillie and Alex went swimming in Jillie's new pool.  Sunday we went to the Hilton for brunch and then tore the deck up!

So we have been working in our new-found yard.  We've planted grass, 2 new shrubs, flowers and lettuce.  It really looks good. Jillie likes the grass and clumps of dirt - very tasty!  Next we'll work out front.

She's teething - need I say more?  Jillie's been a bag for 2 weeks now.  It's getting quite unbearable and we still don't see any teeth pushing through.  We've been giving her Paradol and cold teething rings.  God I hope this doesn't last long...she wakes up 2 to 3 times a night though I'm not getting up with her.

We went to Toy's R Us the other day and bought her all kinds of stuff - some toys, a swing, swimming pool, big pool float, a toy telephone, etc.  But she still likes adult toys; all the books on the book shelf, pots and pans, plants, everything she shouldn't have!  When will we learn?

Jackie is still working out great.  She's going to visit Jim in L.A. for a long weekend soon.  That should be really fun for her.  She has met him several times.  Unfortunately she hasn't met anyone her own age.  She joined the health club - but she won't go unless I do.  She doesn't just take off on the bike - so I can't imagine her wanting to stay here for long.  Although she said if she can get her visa extended she'd like to stay another 6 months.  I really hope she does because I don't know what I'd do if she leaves.

Gordon is doing fine - he got into working in the backyard and is happy how it turned out.  He's been playing tennis about once a week.  He had 3 sales and a listing a couple weeks ago - so, he's been on a real estate high - again! Jim has loaned us his computer indefinitely so I'm afraid I'm becoming a computer widow.

Nothing new in the works.  A friend is getting married up near Sacramento on May 7 so Rhonda and Mark and Gordon and I will go up overnight.  I'm putting milk away now in preparation (Jillie is still nursing just fine).  A friend has offered us his 4 bedroom house near Jackson (a town we drove through on the way up to the mountains) so we might go near the end of April.

I hope you enjoy these pictures.  Again, I've made some notes on the back of some.  Also hope you are feeling well and the weather is getting better.

Take care,  Love from Sharon

Dear Mum,

Just thought I would add in a few lines - I am 1/4 way to my Broker's Exam.  I do a little bit when I feel like, then give up for 4 or 5 weeks.  I hope you are feeling better soon, we are all well here.

Jilly is being a menace - she is fully mobile and can stand holding on to furniture for 10-15 minutes at a time - she can even walk around as long as she has something to cling to.  I hope she is not getting too spoiled.

I'll talk to you soon,

Love,  Gordon

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