Thursday, October 20, 2011

Letters to Isa - December 1986


Dear Mrs. Corsie,

Well, I thought I'd give you a week or so for the "new news" to settle in before I wrote to you.  Actually it's still settling in with us too.

Just as you were surprised to hear of my pregnancy - so were Gordon and I.  So much for contraceptives!  As you may have guessed, Gordon and I spent some time discussing our alternatives before making a final, happy, decision.  Our relationship has been  so perfect.  I was afraid that this would throw us off - Gordon's fear was/is finances, but we both agreed our relationship is more than strong enough to handle this and that finance/economics is not a reason for us not the have this baby.

Needless to say, we were both relieved when we finally made our decision.

Gordon has been really funny.  I was in the bath when he called you the other evening.  When he finished talking to you he came up to tell me about the conversation - he got in the tub with me.......with his shoes, jeans, shirt and watch on!  He's like a little kid - happy and giddy.  He sleeps with his hand on my stomach, talks about "John" and all he's going to do with him and how he'll raise him - he's called everyone in Scotland and told everybody at his office and anyone we meet in shops or on the street.  I wish you could be with him right now.  I know you'd get a kick out of him too.  I'm really proud of him and I'm glad he's as happy as I am about this.

I love your son Mrs Corsie and I think we will be good parents and partners together.  My only regret is that you are not able to be here and share in this joy.  My parents will be disappointed too.  I have told my sisters but I'll wait till I go home in January to tell mom and dad.  I want to be with them because I know they'll be a little upset because we aren't married.  That doesn't matter to me at all.  We don't have to be married to be good parents.

So - I'm please you were happy with the news.  I am feeling fine and healthy - still doing aerobics and horsing around as usual. We see the doctor on December 23rs so I'll let you know how it goes.

Take care of yourself and write when you can.


1 comment:

  1. How sad! I didn't realize Dad was so excited to have a boy...I hope he wasn't too disappointed!
