Thursday, September 8, 2011

Tour de Moffat - Day 12

We were up at 11:30pm last night.  Four hours and then wide awake.  But that's what Ambien is for right?  one pill and back to sleep and sweet dreams quick as a wink.  I remember dreaming about Alison last night and then there was Justin.....the chicken!  ?  Gordon said I was twitching last night.  Perhaps being pecked?  I distinctly remember the chicken though....named Justin.

Gordon went down "for the papers" first thing while I made coffee and checked my email and FB.  It's always hard to get adjusted to no one being on FB when I am until the afternoon and no email first thing in the morning because it's the middle of the night in the states.  More tidying and showering left us ready to head down to the post office and then along to find Andy, the fishmonger.

Andy is this salty little guy who drives way down south from beyond Fife every Tuesday and Thursday to deliver fresh caught fish to the little town of Moffat.  AND OH HOW DELICIOUS the fresh caught Salmon steaks are.  It's like buttah!  He also brings organic eggs, haddock, cod, lemon sole and various salted fishes.  He's a delightful guy, always smiling and friendly.  However, we are in town a little early for him so we start a walk through the neighborhood and along the Annan Waters.

Petunias and begonias!

The begonias here are amazing!

A peak at Moffat from the Annan Waters.
By the Annan.

In Scotland they call their streams, waters and their bays, firths.

Sun on our faces and smiles in our hearts!
Gordon has read about a new hydroponic garden selling to the public that begins with tilapia fish that feed the plants.  So we set out to go find it.  Here's a link:  Aquaponics

Check out the link it's really a great idea and is working beautifully here.  The building in use is an ancient church that was turned into a firehouse and then left vacant for years.  The hydoponic group is owned by the community and they lease the building for 1 pound a year.  That's about a $1.20 and they have turned it into it's own ecosystem and added gardens and greenhouses (which they call tubes?).

Anyway Gordon and I arrive and find "Eddie" the one man show who enthusiastically gives us the grand tour which is completely fascinating.

Eddie cutting herbs for me.

The vegetable gardens.  The tall trees in the background surround the Annan Waters.

Inside the hydroponic greenhouse.  Those are melons hanging from the ceiling.
Each of the blue tubs is planted out but the roots are in water only.....hydroponics!
Baby tilapia - from the piranha family.  Watch out....they bite!

Eddie's cutting me some fresh basil and I marvel at the hanging vegetables.

As the tilapia grow they are transferred into bigger spaces.  When they make it too the biggest tank it's curtains for them!

We've spent way more time than we imagined we could with Eddie and his fascinating project before we decide on assorted herbs, heirloom tomatoes, a cucumber (guess what? Martini time!  Love my cucumber martinis!) and some turnips and head off to see if Andy's around.

Now we've got handsful of produce and Andy's fresh salmon and lemon sole and his eggs and beetroot for Gordon and off to the deli for fresh cheeses and little blueberry tartlets for after dinner. All in all a fun and wholesome afternoon.

Lunch on the verandah and a sit in the sun - yes, it's sunny and warm today (though it was pouring this morning) and we're ready for an afternoon snooze to gear up for our late afternoon walk in the hills.

Gordon enjoying his afternoon tea.

The back garden.

A Scottish blue sky.  Very rare!
 After tea a walk to look at the flora,

A magnificent Japanese Maple
and fauna.

Local lambies!

And moo's!

And Llamas!

And architecture:

The upper Annan waters

Gallow Hill from a cow pasture.

Back home it's rose' on the verandah and fresh salmon for dinner and tucky-tuck.  Long, fun, sunny, beautiful day.  A good welcome back to Moffat!

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