Friday, September 9, 2011

Elusive Sleep - Day 13

After such a fabulous day yesterday it was disappointing to go to bed SOOOOO tired and have sleep be impossible.  Turned the light off at 10:15 and was still awake after 1:00.  The worst part of that is lying next to your partner listening to him sleep damn it!  But after he woke up and went through to watch TV at 1:30ish  I took one half of "momma's little helper" (ambien) and slept till 6:30....Gordon was up for hours too.

Needless to say we've been a bit listless today and awoke to a heavy, grey mist shrouding the dampens the spirits and enthusiasm.  I made a big breakfast with thick cut bacon (really it's what we would call ham in the U.S.) and hand sliced whole grain toast with thick cut marmalade (we like it thick over here) and a fresh herb omelet courtesy of the fishmonger (eggs) and the hydroponic herbs!  Delicious.  Now what?  I read and Gordon goes down for the papers and I nap.  BUT, I redeem myself and shuffle him off for a drive in the country.

Our little teeny-tiny car is a two-door Toyota no bigger than the length of my outstretched arms and it hasn't been driven in a year so the brakes are what Gordon calls "crunchy" and need to be used.  Why not drive on a dangerous ultra-skinny two lane road on the wrong side of the car, wrong side of the street to get started?  Yea, that's a good idea.  Off we go.  It's actually lovely out and the little country roads, so reminiscent of the Virginia hills, are beautiful.  Black cows, brown cows and everywhere sheep and the occasional grouse scurry across the roadway.  We end up in Lockerbie (yes, the site of the plane crash) and head to the local Tesco grocery store and then to Cobwebs.

Cobwebs is this really cool, junk/antique store.  They have so much shit you wouldn't believe it and Gordon and I always try to make a stop there every year.  This year Gordon is in the market for a small oil radiator for our attic since the last two years the water pipes (which are in the attic of our house?) have burst.  A suggestion was made to keep a small radiator running next to the water tank all winter.  The temperature in Moffat dipped to -17 degrees last winter!  Youch!  I am in the market for little bitty spoons for my little bitty salt cellars.  Bingo, we find both plus I picked up a really cool set of teaspoons and sugar tongs perfectly preserved in a blue velvet box perfect for one of our girls at some point in their lives.

On our way back to the car we poke our nose through the gate of the old church and check out the early 1880's cemetery

Most of the markers are illegible at this point but still interesting to try and decipher. There was a funeral going on so we didn't linger.

Back to Moffat and the house for lunch and a rest and then out for a short walk and a little stop in at the local antique store and shoe shop to say hello to the merchants.  We ran into our friends Hunter and Maureen with her granddaughter Ella, had a quick visit, and went into the Buccleuch to purchase Jazz Club tickets for next Friday night.  Oh, Jazz Club....the "big" happening in Moffat....the place will be least 30 or 40 people!

Mini pub crawl

Well Street....the way up to our house.

The High Street church.

It's just after 5:00pm!

Gordon waiting to go into the Black Bull for a pint!

Eh, a black bull!

and dinner at the famous Star Hotel and meandering walk back up the hill to try to Skype the girls and FB chat Jillian.

The old Moffat cemetery.

The Buccleuch from across the High Street.

We didn't know you could still buy Brylcreem AND you can get a fishing permit too (see blue sign)!

A beautiful burgundy Japanese Maple.
We're hoping for improved weather tomorrow and a long walk in the hills.  The remnant of Irene is supposed to be coming through beginning Sunday into Monday so we've got to get our exercise in and stretch our legs.  Looking forward to what tomorrow might bring.

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