Saturday, September 3, 2011


5:30 A.M. is too early for anyone to wake up!  But Sandy got up at 5:38a.m. so, I'm up and thinking about the journey ahead which, technically isn't very far but you still have to go through the entire airport B.S.

You know the movie "Trains, Planes and Automobiles"?  That was me today.  First Sandy drove me the 1/2 hour to the airport.  Hugs and kisses and thank you's goodbye; then in to print my boarding pass (after the line); down to security.  I'm good at security - jacket off, boots off, purse in bucket; not an ounce of fluid, I even take my empty travel bottle of water out.  Guess who got stopped?  Me!  There was nothing there of course, just routine but such a drag.

Then off to the shuttle train between Dulles terminals and up the escalator and then up another escalator and then over and down another escalator and eventually onto a small commuter plane.....3 across 2 on one side one on the other.  I was the one.

Anyway upon my safe arrival into Newark, NJ and after baggage claim I pulled a bitchy female thing!  I called for my limo and was told where to wait.  This is a company I've used 5 or 6 times over the last 2-3 years and it's been entirely hit-or-miss.   Dial 7   can be completely delightful or completely SHIT!  The guy today called me, after I had waited 10-15 minutes for him,  to ask me where I was.  What?  I'm at Newark Airport I was thinking.  NO what terminal?  Bloody Hell, I don't know can't you figure it out.  He's asking me to ask someone.  But they don't know either.  We've all just arrived.  Finally I yelled at him that "YOU NEED TO FIGURE IT OUT"  "I've got on jeans (which are too hot) boots (which are too hot), a raincoat (which is too hot) and I'm waiting between door 2 and 3...."COME GET ME!"  Man, I can turn it on when I need/want to.

He was a very nice Indian man who has been in the country 2 years and owns his own car which Dial 7 takes 35% of.   I redeemed myself by making a generous tip and arriving at Jillian's new apartment 30 minutes later.

Now, if you don't know, part of the reason Jillian left her OLD apartment was 2-fold - incompatible roommate and BEDBUGS - UGH!

Her new place is like a dream come true.  Truly about the same size as the last place but upper-west side; clean, no bugs, managers who actually look at you and talk to you......real life!  A real winner.

Red, red wine.....

Hugs, kisses, quick look around and delight in seeing her brand new kitty-cat Sasha and off to brunch....we were both starving.

Jillian is in the best neighborhood.  Just a little north of Columbus Circle (think Stuart Weitzman) and west of Lincoln Center.  Close to Magnolia Bakery and a positively lovely residential neighborhood.   We had a delicious brunch at Isabella's; Mimosa's, Bloody Mary's and YUM, YUM food!  Street-side, relaxing and a perfect temp......Irene should make an appearance more often!  Nice walk over to Central Park; shoe shopping and then off to the market and wine shop for dinner.

Made a GREAT dinner(after my power nap)  - more organic cucumber martini's (it's my new favorite thing) - organic dinner, 12 year old bottle of red wine from the St. Emilion Region, and wonderful,  casual conversation with my oldest daughter.  Jill and I will always (hopefully) have a special bond; we laugh; we get serious; we speak openly and honestly and frankly and I always feel "home" with her.  So good to be here.

Too much to drink and an early evening.

Tomorrow we will be arranging furniture, hanging pictures, taking trips to hardware stores and Bed Bath and Beyond, and embarking on the usual "let's fix this place up!"  Really looking forward to it.

We'll see what the weekend holds for us.

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