Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Changing Time Zones - Day 10

The day began with a gentle drizzle.  Jillian started back to work today after her long weekend.  She had left without her umbrella but returned as soon as she stepped foot through her building front door to retrieve it.  My plan was to have a slow morning; re-pack my suitcase which I've been living out of since last Saturday; finish off a few chores; play with Sasha, that sort of thing. 

By the time I got around to venturing out it was noon and pouring rain.  You can't really know what the weather is like when you're in Jillie's new apartment because all the windows face small and narrow courtyards.  I had know idea how much rain was coming down.  And the fact that these courtyards are so tight, there is very little natural light that comes in.  From Jill's room you literally have to crane your neck to see the sky.  Her room is dark and she is used to morning light.  She needs more than the small bedside light and make-up mirror light.  Add a floor lamp to the chore list.

So in the pouring rain I walk the two and 1/2 blocks up to the Bed, Bath and Beyond; past the Julliard; past Lincoln Center; cross over Broadway to the intersection of Broadway and Columbus and down into the depths of BB&B.  It's not quite so crowded today and I find what a need.  A ladle; a muddler for cucumber martinis or mojitos; a spoon rest for the kitchen; lint rollers (Sasha has long fur) a coat rack that can be installed on a wall and, of course, a floor lamp.  You've got to love BB&B.

I had two encounters with "New Yorkers" while there.  For the most part I find New Yorkers to be really interesting and fun...not at all the "typical" New Yorkers you hear talked about so much.  Sometimes they just need a little stroking to get them to come out, that's all.  Once in the deepest recesses of BB&B you can take the escalator while your cart rides it's own or you can take an elevator to check-out level.  I chose the elevator and boarded behind a woman pushing a double stroller with a little boy walking behind the stroller.  She seemed frazzled asking the little boy to hurry up and stay with her.  When the doors closed I commented that she had her hands full and she said the children were twins.  Ah, something I know about.  Maybe I can impart some knowledge here - so I say, "oh, I have twins".  And she said, "you look good" "How did you do it" and "I fired the Nanny today and I'm at the end of my rope!"  I thought she looked like she could use a double and I know the feeling..  So I say, "my twins are gets easier and you'll get through it."  The rain doesn't help and taking 3 year old twins, much less boys, shopping isn't ever fun. She seemed dubious.

As I'm waiting in line at check-out I notice one of the checkers is dour, really dour and secretly I'm hoping to NOT get her as my checker.  Naturally she's who I get so I decide to try and change her mood.  I greet her.  She doesn't crack a smile or greet me back.  I begin to place my items by the register and ask "how's your day?".  Ah, a glimmer of a smile.  I say "you're not missing much outside with the rain pouring down."  She likes the cooler weather.  I said "I had a beautiful evening having an outdoor dinner last night with my daughter and today it's a little cool and rainy and the weather changes fast" .  She "that's New York!"  I tell her I'm from California and our weather doesn't change quite so quickly. She's interested.  "Does your daughter go to school here?" "No, she's working and trying to make a name for herself.  Here's my credit card."  Her mother's name is Sharon too.  "Oh?  She must be a nice person", I say,  "is she a Pisces too?"  "Well yes she is"....big smile.  "Oh what's her birthdate?"   March 12  "Oh mine is March 11".  Now we're high-fiving for some reason and she's laughing and saying how much I've made her happy and she's in a much better mood, etc. ?  Ok, I'm here to help.

Now I've got my bags - it seems I'm always schlepping when I'm in New York - and I'm making my way back to Jill's with 2 large bags and an umbrella.  By the time I get back my tennis shoes AND socks are soaked through and Sasha is curious.   Time to begin the install and build process.  Doh, forgot the light bulb for the floor lamp but the market is only one block down the street the other way so I put on my wet socks and wet tennis shoes and head out again.  It's still raining really hard.  While I'm purchasing the lite bulb I see pre-wrapped black and white cookies.  Jillian mentioned yesterday that I should buy a black and white cookie for Gordon and I forgot till just now.  Magnolia Bakery, one of the best bakeries in New York, is only blocks from here so, even though it's pouring rain, me and my lite bulb head up to the bakery.

Oh the delights of Magnolia!  What to buy and when to stop!?  The choices!  Oh dear!  6 cupcakes, 4 crumb muffins, 1 lemon bar and an apple and walnut scone.  NO black and white cookies but Gordon will love the peach or raspberry muffin.  NOW I can go home finally.  It's pouring out....I haven't seen rain like this since Scotland.  Hmmmmmmm

5:30 rolls around and I'm expecting a limo at 6 and Jill to come home to go to the airport with me.  I have checked and double checked that I can get her through security to have dinner with her Dad and I at this great little Italian restaurant in the domestic terminal.  I know weird right?  A good restaurant in an airport?  By the time Jill gets home the limo is here and she's soaked through her boots and right through her socks.  Even her skirt and the back of her shirt is wet.  She changes and I schlep my suitcase down and wait for her.

It took us 1 hour to get 20 blocks to the entrance of the Lincoln tunnel in rush hour traffic compounded by pouring rain.  Gordon is landing at 7:30 and we're still on the island.  We arrive at Newark at 8 and check my bag and find out that only un-ticketed children 17 and under are allowed through security.   I think that's discrimination and I'm a little annoyed by this since I researched the website pretty thoroughly and no where did it say anything about an age thing but we head to the B terminal from the C terminal to grab something to eat and a cocktail.  I'm actually more annoyed that Gordon isn't answering his phone and apparently his texts either so I'm unable to convey this news to him.  But we finally connect and after a double Grey Goose (mine) and a couple of glasses of Pinot Noir (theirs); 2 slices of pizza and that crumb muffin I was talking about earlier (not exactly the nice Italian restaurant on the other side of security) we leave Jill to a limo ride home and Gordon and I board our plane for Scotland.

Gordon, fresh off the plane, with Jill during our brief cocktail hour!
And it hasn't been a bad flight even though I am the ONLY ONE ON THE ENTIRE FLIGHT WHO DIDN'T HAVE A WORKING TV in front of  their seat!  But the sun is shining above the layer of grey clouds masking the island of the United Kingdom.  It's just after 9 a.m. Scottish time; just after 4 a.m.New York time; and just after 1 a.m. California time.  Whatever zone you fall into I hope you've had an adventuresome day too.

The following pics are street scenes in Jill's neighborhood!

Front of building

Across the street.

Street scenes; left and right.

More street scenes and park next to her building.

The Julliard School

Magnolia Bakery street scenes and pouring rain!

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