Friday, September 2, 2011


Today has been different than all the other days that I've been here so far.  Today Sandy didn't have to rush off to the office.  Today I had no plans first thing in the morning.  No plans other than going to a spa with Sandy and her friend Maggie!  All my days here have been good but today was relaxing good!

Sandy and I started out sitting on the front porch drinking coffee and chatting.  It's one of my favorite things to do at Sandy and Terry's home and I try to get in a good porch-sit at least once a day.  Here's an example of the view:

Front views from the house.

Side yard view.

Back yard views.

The weather has been near perfect while I've been here and it's been very pleasant sitting out front and on the back patio in the evening enjoying dinners.  Apparently Irene was long-winded enough to blow the humidity away and leave us with partly cloudy skies and just an occasional sprinkle over the last two days.  Rare and unusual weather for August. 

Anyway about 10:30a.m. Maggie came over and the three of us took off to Poplar Springs way out in the middle of no where in the hills of Virginia.  It is completely beautiful there and it wasn't long before we were in our robes, sipping fruited water and waiting for our services.  I had a wonderful hour and a half salt scrub and facial.  It was fabulous.  Afterward I joined the girls poolside for lunch and a bottle of Pinot Grigio....or two!

Soon it was time to get back - get showered and over to pick Dad up to go out for dinner and meet up with Emory and sister Shirley who I hadn't seen yet.   We got Dad and went to a nice little restaurant very close to where Dad lives and had another delicious meal.  Think I'm gaining weight on this trip!  It was great to catch-up with Shirley and Emory and hear about their son Alex (he's a senior in the Naval Academy) and to also learn about their exploits staying on their 50' yacth during Irene's visit!  Everyone survived though and the boat is intact so all is good with them.

It's always difficult leaving "home".  I guess I'll always call it home even though I've lived in California since 1978 - 34 years.  Longer than I had lived in Virginia.  I get a little melancholy saying goodbye.    Saying goodbye to my father tonight was hard mostly because I never know when I'll see him again.  I wish I had the opportunity to see him and Mom every week or even every quarter but I do try to come back as often as I can.  It's nice to know that they are both well looked after and thriving.

So next stop The Big Apple!

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