Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Lovely Day (9)

New York when it's stuck between Summer and Fall is lovely.  You wake up one day it's hot and humid - like you are walking through some film.  Damp and grimy.  The next day the air has cleared from a breeze in the air and everything feels clean.  When you look up the buildings are in focus with blue sky peaking in-and-out between them.  There's a spring in your step.  You are not weighed down by the humidity.

Yesterday was that day here in New York.  With our work in Jillie's apartment almost complete we decided to have a casual day getting personal chores done.  First, where should we try for brunch?  We decided on Alice's Teacup but there was a forty-five minute wait and it was almost noon and we were starving so we changed to Jillian's ex-restaurant  Cafe Lalo for steamed and herbed eggs and a scone.  Again, very yummy.  Is there NO bad food in New York....I'm sure there is but not this weekend!

On the way there we noticed a cute pair of booties in the Ugg store....Jillian now owns them - The Brienne Boot.  After brunch we stopped by Vicky's Secret for new panties; Duane Reade for body and face wash and double sided stickum and a box of Puff's; then off to have her eyebrows waxed and shaped and finally a manicure/pedicure.  Maintenance day!

Later, back at her apartment, Jillian's two roommates return from their long weekends and they are delightful. I met Meredith's Dad Tom too.  The girls were pleased with the additions we have made over the weekend and both said "it feels like a real apartment now".  They just need to get their couch next weekend and they'll be all set.

We went to Tolani Wine Bar on the upper west side at 79th last night.  This is my second taste of this restarant and certainly won't be my last.  The food is a bit pricey but scrumptious.  Jillian had the vegetarian spaghetti (spaghetti squash) and meatballs (grated veggie) and parmesean pasta sauce.....makes my mouth water just to describe it; and I had pan seared scallops with cherry tomatoes and jalapenos.  Two cosmos each to start and a little roasted pear salad with goat cheese!  Delish!

Then we went just around the corner to Coppola's for their Chocolate Bomb and coffee.  Must start working out and cutting back once in Scotland.

So Jillian is off to work today and I'm left to finish off a few more items and to take exterior pictures and just enjoy my day.  After three days of reported rain, today it is finally raining.....a precurser to going to Scotland where, apparently, we are in for 14 straight days of rain and mid to upper 50's weather.  A far cry from the East Coast.  I feel like I'm always working when I'm here with Jillian these last 4 trips but we always manage to squeeze in a lot of fun.  All you have to do is step out of the door!

At 6:00pm we are taking a car over to Newark Airport and meeting up with Gordon and we'll have dinner together the three of us before heading out to the UK.    I'll be sad to leave Jillian but so much more comfortable with her new living situation.....every aspect.  AND I'm looking forward to seeing my husband after 11 days and our upcoming adventures in Scotland and Paris.  AND Jillian is coming home on December 22 for almost 2 weeks and it will be wonderful to have all the girls home under our roof again.

So here are the pictures of Jillian's new home.  It's difficult to take pictures in such small surroundings but I think you'll get the idea:

kitchen and kitty Sasha!               

Bathroom obviously!
Front door with door bell!

Bathroom on right and Meredith's bedroom on left.

Meredith's room

Wall where couch will go. There's a chair there now and coffee table of Dad's.

2 rooms!  Ashley's room on left...Jillian's room on right!
View upon entering Jill's room

Kitty throne!

Kitty's throne room all decorated!

Utilizing every teensy-tinsy inch of space!

Look at the size of that closet door.  Think "the Shire!"

View from Jillian's window.  Stunning huh?

Queen Sasha!  Oooooh, the light hurts my eyes!

Look at that face!

A princess with her Queen!

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