Thursday, September 29, 2011

Back to Fall - Moffat, Day 33

Today's beautiful morning really inspired me to get dressed and get out for a walk!  "Come on Gordon, let's go walk by the river and then along the outskirts of town", ok, I'll get dressed.  I was just dressed when Gordon remembered that the gas guy was coming today to install a new meter between 8-12.  Of course you know Gas Company won't come until 10 till noon right?  Oh darn.  So we decide to, me: do laundry and work in the house; him: wash the car and various other exterior home refurbishments.  Then Gordon comes in and says, "oh, I forgot.....the gas guy is coming on Friday"!  Ahhhhhh, well now that the weather has changed from sunny to almost misty our enthusiasm is waning.  But, off we go.

The picture above is taken in Station Park just on the outskirts of town next to the old railroad station.  They always have fabulous begonias in the summer and these are hanging in there.  There's a lovely pond where you can rent swan boats and row boats....
 ...and we get on the path along the Annan Waters and next to the lake for a walk along the river.
 And we arrive at the Moffat Can organic farm to see what they have to offer today.  Only those lovely black tomatoes but that's ok.  So we buy them and...
.....then meet up with Andy, the Fishmonger, purchasing salmon for our dinner and a dozen eggs to see us through until Monday night.  We popped in to the butcher for fresh chicken breasts and over to the green grocer for cabbage for a slaw to go with our salmon and up to the deli for a cheese scone to go with our tea.  By now it's starting to sprinkle so we head on home.  I have a VERY relaxing afternoon of rest and food-prep, which is always relaxation for me, and I continue with the laundry while Gordon continues with outdoor home improvements.  I made a crispy, delicious slaw, mashed potatoes, roasted salmon and French green beans for dinner with a little nice white!  We hadn't had lunch so we had an early dinner and then we headed out about 5 for another walk up the hill to feed the local horse which I couldn't find!  I slipped on my Wellies, girls it's the best boot I've ever owned and here's the reason why.  Boys, this is for girls only please!  You know when we're out hiking and your dieing of a pee?  It's the worst right?...all that squatting and hoping you're not going to pee on your leg, sox, shoe, boot, etc?  Well you can pee freely in your Wellies.  If you get them a bit "wet" you can just rinse them off when you get home!  The perfect walking shoe!  I think we should all own them!

Pretty descriptive....don't think I'll venture in there!

The view through Tank Wood.

Tank Wood.

At the kissing attention!

That's better!

The kissing gate

A lovely view!


A driveway.

Ugh girls....imagine finding a slug this size on your hostas!  It's easily 6-8 inches long!

The Moffat Waters.

A fall path.

Fall color.
 Lovely Moffat homes

A changing Japanese Maple

A hedge of fushias

A rhodie in bloom!

The front of the home behind our bungalow.
Back at the ranch, we put our feet up and watch an episode of Come Dine With Me and enjoy the end of a relaxing day.  It was good to eat a home cooked meal after 6 days of eating out and to have the ability to put my feet up for most of the afternoon.

I also got to Facebook chat with Jillian and Alison and briefly messaged with Natalie.  I miss talking to the girls SO much.  I'm used to talking to at least two of them everyday and I feel deprived of them; like I'm missing out on their lives.  But we'll be back in the U.S. on Tuesday and I'll be making calls to all of them once I turn my phone on in New York.  Alison said she's coming home next Wednesday night and Nat is going to try to make it home for the weekend too to get caught up!  Yay!  Now, what about that Jillian?  What to do?  But I did just spend 4 days with her in New York and she'll be coming home for Christmas so like it or not, that's just the way it is. 

It's nice to be back in Moffat for the end of our trip - I think Isa would like it that this house feels like home to both Gordon and I.  We feel close to her here.

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