Friday, September 30, 2011

Oh Well! - Day 34

Well what a fabulous day!  Clear sky, bright, sunny, perfect day to go for an amazing, long, all-day walk!  Except today is the day that the Scottish Gas guy is coming to install our new gas meter between 8-12.  Gordon and I were both sure that our house would be first on the list for installation.  So we are up early, had our coffee and breakfast and we're ready to go.  8:30, 9:00, 9:30, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30,, oh, now we are told between 9 and 1 but he'll be there by 12:30.  1:00 o'clock and finally he shows up.  CRAP. Walk done.  Now we are deflated....not that we haven't done anything because we have but deflated just the same.

OH WELL! - Once we FINALLY get out I remember that we need to go to the Woolen Mill (aka, the fart store) to pick up a few more cashmere items for friends.  When we arrive we see multiple buses, oh-oh.....

 the entrance to the mill....
Mission accomplished without offensive noises or smells!  and then we head off to the Moffat Museum.  The first time we've ever seen it open!  Gordon tries on a TRUE ball and chain!
 After a long visit with the museum volunteers we discover one of them, Bob, is our neighbor and we will look for his house when we go back up Well Street.  Off to the Toffee Shop for Alison's treats and something for Nat! and, oh well, since we're downtown and it's already past 3, why not stop for a pint at the Balmoral..  This is the first time we've ever been able to sit out back of the pub for a beer with the sky shining bright!

 Then off to the Star Bar, the skinniest bar/restaurant/hotel in Britian!  see picture.  The Star is the 2nd building from the left.
 On our walk back up the hill we take a new route and see this cute sculpture in the 29 B&B, a B&B we've always wanted to go into run by a couple named Bradly and Ron.  Never met them but we know they would be friends of ours!
 Further up the hill there's a lovely Fall changing tree!
 The Old Well Theatre for local productions.  Unfortunately we have never been here when there was a production available to see.
 Our new friend, Bob, from the Moffat Museum lives in this home originally built in 1840 on the road behind our house....

Back at home we ordered Indian food from the local take-out and had a relaxing evening of Indian food and the new, Strictly Come Dancing, the same show as Dancing with the Stars only UK contestants.

While we were at the Museum we learned about a new walk which we want to try tomorrow if the weather holds.  Gotta tell ya's not looking good.  The walk is about a mile past the Gray Mare's Tail on the same side and a much easier walk.  Apparently, the oldest fossils "known to man", says Bob, are located in this spot - guaranteed!  Gordon always tries to collect a stone or rock whenever we travel so maybe he will find his "rock" at this spot.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Back to Fall - Moffat, Day 33

Today's beautiful morning really inspired me to get dressed and get out for a walk!  "Come on Gordon, let's go walk by the river and then along the outskirts of town", ok, I'll get dressed.  I was just dressed when Gordon remembered that the gas guy was coming today to install a new meter between 8-12.  Of course you know Gas Company won't come until 10 till noon right?  Oh darn.  So we decide to, me: do laundry and work in the house; him: wash the car and various other exterior home refurbishments.  Then Gordon comes in and says, "oh, I forgot.....the gas guy is coming on Friday"!  Ahhhhhh, well now that the weather has changed from sunny to almost misty our enthusiasm is waning.  But, off we go.

The picture above is taken in Station Park just on the outskirts of town next to the old railroad station.  They always have fabulous begonias in the summer and these are hanging in there.  There's a lovely pond where you can rent swan boats and row boats....
 ...and we get on the path along the Annan Waters and next to the lake for a walk along the river.
 And we arrive at the Moffat Can organic farm to see what they have to offer today.  Only those lovely black tomatoes but that's ok.  So we buy them and...
.....then meet up with Andy, the Fishmonger, purchasing salmon for our dinner and a dozen eggs to see us through until Monday night.  We popped in to the butcher for fresh chicken breasts and over to the green grocer for cabbage for a slaw to go with our salmon and up to the deli for a cheese scone to go with our tea.  By now it's starting to sprinkle so we head on home.  I have a VERY relaxing afternoon of rest and food-prep, which is always relaxation for me, and I continue with the laundry while Gordon continues with outdoor home improvements.  I made a crispy, delicious slaw, mashed potatoes, roasted salmon and French green beans for dinner with a little nice white!  We hadn't had lunch so we had an early dinner and then we headed out about 5 for another walk up the hill to feed the local horse which I couldn't find!  I slipped on my Wellies, girls it's the best boot I've ever owned and here's the reason why.  Boys, this is for girls only please!  You know when we're out hiking and your dieing of a pee?  It's the worst right?...all that squatting and hoping you're not going to pee on your leg, sox, shoe, boot, etc?  Well you can pee freely in your Wellies.  If you get them a bit "wet" you can just rinse them off when you get home!  The perfect walking shoe!  I think we should all own them!

Pretty descriptive....don't think I'll venture in there!

The view through Tank Wood.

Tank Wood.

At the kissing attention!

That's better!

The kissing gate

A lovely view!


A driveway.

Ugh girls....imagine finding a slug this size on your hostas!  It's easily 6-8 inches long!

The Moffat Waters.

A fall path.

Fall color.
 Lovely Moffat homes

A changing Japanese Maple

A hedge of fushias

A rhodie in bloom!

The front of the home behind our bungalow.
Back at the ranch, we put our feet up and watch an episode of Come Dine With Me and enjoy the end of a relaxing day.  It was good to eat a home cooked meal after 6 days of eating out and to have the ability to put my feet up for most of the afternoon.

I also got to Facebook chat with Jillian and Alison and briefly messaged with Natalie.  I miss talking to the girls SO much.  I'm used to talking to at least two of them everyday and I feel deprived of them; like I'm missing out on their lives.  But we'll be back in the U.S. on Tuesday and I'll be making calls to all of them once I turn my phone on in New York.  Alison said she's coming home next Wednesday night and Nat is going to try to make it home for the weekend too to get caught up!  Yay!  Now, what about that Jillian?  What to do?  But I did just spend 4 days with her in New York and she'll be coming home for Christmas so like it or not, that's just the way it is. 

It's nice to be back in Moffat for the end of our trip - I think Isa would like it that this house feels like home to both Gordon and I.  We feel close to her here.

Au Revoir Paris - Day 32

Our last night in Paris was spent at our favorite little restaurant La Gueuze for, you got it, moulles again.  We met a really nice couple from New Zealand and enjoyed visiting with them.  And then we walked.  Our last Paris walk and, I confess, we kinda acted like the young Parisians and, SPOILER ALERT KIDS, made-out on the streets just like the Parisians!

This morning we were up early and headed out to the Louvre and the Musee d'Orsay.  The Louvre was PACKED even though we were early and had passes to avoid the long lines.  Lot's of groups, mostly Asian, and crowds, crowds, crowds.  Not mine and Gordon's favorite thing.
Entry Hall

Obviously, some fantastic works of art.

 The famous parquet floors......

The passage to the Mona Lisa

The Mona Lisa "room" and that's her from a far.
And the little lady close up!

Somehow I think this looks like Ken Wright and Gordon!  Cheeky!

Death by Asp.....ouch!


This one's for you Nat!

A miniature statue of Zues.

Fabulous ceilings rivaling the Sistine!

Tom and Ken!

Venus de Milo

This is for you Nat!


Egyptian Sphinx dating from 2723 B.C.!

My personal favorite...The Three Graces.

Do ya think Mary Magdalene is really buried under there?

Back out on the street it's lunch time and "Frenchies" as Gordon calls them, are having their sandwiches and salads sitting by lovely fountains.  It's really, really warm today and the weather has been unexpectedly nice all week.  We really lucked out except that we didn't have cool enough clothing.

We headed across the Seine and went to the Musee d'Orsay for the next couple of hours.  Thankfully, you cannot take photos in the d'Orsay Museum and I think, in part, that's why it was NOT crowded.  It's such a lovely building with a huge football-sized arched glass ceiling.  It's light, bright and well laid out and houses amazing paintings and sculpture too.  I have to say, Gordon and I like it much better than the Louvre.

After our walk in the d'Orsay our feet were tired and we were hungry so we grabbed a salad and ice tea and then moseyed back to our hotel to await the shuttle back to Beauvois airport for our return to Edinburgh.  The shuttle was right on time and we say goodbye to the St. Jacques.  We would definitely recommend this hotel.  It was clean, comfortably furnished and in a GREAT location.

Unfortunately, the shuttle dropped us off about two hours before we could even check in for our flight and the very small airport was overflowing with passengers.  There wasn't a place to sit so we meandered outside and found a place in the shade in a grassy area and laid down and read and napped until it was time to check in. 

Once back in Edinburgh we couldn't believe the temperature.  It had to be at least 70 degrees at 9:30!  What the heck?  Who says there's no global warming?  We got to our car and started the hour and one half journey back to Moffat.  Switching off the driving duties about halfway, I took over for the last 30 miles into Moffat.  The skies were completely clear and you could see the Milky Way and stars and planets while traveling on this pitch black road.  Once we hit the Beef Tub there were very scattered thin mists trailing across the road.  Rather mystical and a bit scary!  We got home exactly at 11:00pm.

So here we are safely back in Moffat and the day has dawned GORGEOUS with a sky that is reminiscent of some of the paintings we saw in the Paris museums.


We are ready for our last few days here.  A run to the grocery store and shops is in order for today.  And, of course, laundry.  And probably a hike in the hills or down by the river.  It's supposed to be beautiful in Scotland for the rest of our stay.

We so enjoyed being in Paris and are happy to say that "we did it"!   The Parisian's are an interesting group of people to observe - full of confidence, sexy, polite, and independent with a good sense of humor.  No one should be shy to visit there or nervous about not speaking the language. 

We feel so fortunate to have shared another great city together and look forward to our next adventure!  St. Petersburg, Bruges, Amsterdam, Switzerland?  The world awaits and we are thinking Northern Europe.

But home first!