Sunday, November 13, 2011

Letters to Isa - October 4, 1988

These pictures are part of your Christmas present but I couldn't deny you seeing them until then so I thought I'd send them off now.  There are five pictures so don't miss one stuck down in a corner!  The ones of Gordon, Jillie and I were taken about a month ago.  There was a special deal through a photographer we met at the Lucky Grocery Store - we could get one 11X14 for $5.99.  So when I went to pick it up they suckered me into the whole lot.  But they are good pictures and now we have plenty to send to all the families and some for Christmas cards too.  I am sending a wallet size of the three of us to your mum.  The other one of Gordon and I sitting on the wall was taken at Rhonda and Mark's wedding back in October of 87.  It's the one I've been promising you for so long.    Look how fat my face was even 2 months after giving birth!

We got your letter yesterday.  Yes we have done more stuff to the house.   We have finished stripping all the living room wallpaper and Gordon has painted and hung the artwork.  I stripped the guest bath and painted and hung new paper there.  We are in the process of stripping the family room, but that's a little harder as the paper is coming off in little strips.  But that wall, the wall in the kitchen and our bathroom is all that's left.  Gordon painted our shower room too.  We get our new garage door tomorrow - finally.  Just in time for the rainy season.  It will be a roll up door with an opener.  It's much safer and we won't get rained on getting in and out of the cars.

The garden is fine - Gordon is having great fun with it.  We are about ready for the massive slaughter.  We're going to cut the bushes way back for the winter.  The wisteria is about halfway to the overhang and the grapes are still bearing fruit - we can't keep up with eating it all.

Except for getting over a cold this weekend Jillian is just fine.  The little boy at her day care got sick early last week and his mother brought him anyway - so all the little kids and I got sick the end of the week.  Poor little Rickey is so small he gets absolutely everything.  His family is moving in November though so we won't have him around to make us sick anymore.  We got that flu that you got when you were here from him too.  Kelly is going to look for a little girl to care for around 2 years old. 

Jillie is saying bye-bye, night-night, mom or mamamamama!, and ball.  She says a lot of other things that we haven't a clue what they are.  She babbles non-stop.  She is wearing all 18 months to 24 months now.  The cute little outfit that Izzy sent with the stripes is already too small and that's a UK size 2.  I think your sizes run smaller.  She is so much easier to cope with because of her walking independence.  We can actually sit and watch TV and she plays all around us and all through the house without too much need of attention.  She only occasionally gets into the flower pots and plants.  We close all the doors except her room and she just wanders and plays.  She is such a content baby, never fussing unless she's tired or hungry.  She was a bit of a drag while sick.  I slept with her in the spare bedroom Friday and Saturday night.   She was feverish and couldn't breath and she just wanted to be held.  Fortunately for me it was a weekend and not a weekday for I didn't get much sleep.

Remember Joe's driver, Glenn?  He is moving in with us this Friday for about 2 months.  He needs a place to stay for a while until he sorts out his life so we have offered your room.  He is paying rent, which will help and isn't home much so we felt we could do this.  Maybe he'll even grow up a bit!

We are really looking forward to my sister and husband and kids coming at Thanksgiving.  Howie is definitely coming up and yes he's invited for Christmas so his mom won't have to worry about him.  We'll take good care of him.  He was up about 3 weeks ago overnight on his way to Oregon to go fishing with a buddy.

Well that's all the news for now.  We are all fine and working very hard.  Gordon has 2 listings and about 3 buyers that are hot.  I haven't gotten my promotion yet but it is still pending.  We miss you and think of you often.  I'll give Jillie a big hug and kiss from you.  Oh by the way, could you make an extra set of the birthday pictures and send them over to Jackie?  I forgot to make an extra set while you were here and I promised her I would.  I'll pay for the prints - thanks.  Take care Isa.

With love,

Gordon, Sharon and Jillian

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