Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Letters to Isa - June 5, 1989 and June 11, 1990

Dear Isa,

Thought I'd jot you a brief note and send these pictures of Jillian at Alex's second birthday party.  Naturally she was the prettiest, most well behaved child there!  (I'm not prejudice or anything - she takes after her Scottish Grammy!)  She has fully recovered from her week at Katie and Shorty's and is back to her sweet old self.  She and I had such a good time this weekend.  The hardwood floor is finished so I had lots of cleaning chores - dusting off the wood - dust from the sanding of the floor and getting furniture back into place.  We haven't put the dining room table back because I'm waiting for a pad to go under the Chinese rug (which will go under the dining room table). So the dining room is like a big dance floor with the mirror on the far wall.  We had a blast running and rolling on the floor and dancing in front of the mirror.  She does "chicken legs" now - bending her legs and moving them in and out.  It's really cute and makes her laugh to see herself in the mirror doing it!  She loves to dance and says "mommy do it" wanting me to dance too.  Everything is "I do it" "Daddy do it" "I hold it" "I help" "mommy look" "but (for bug!)" ( she's really concerned about bugs) "no, no Alex (or Cameron) go away" and of course "MINE"!

Our house looks really good.  The wood floor does wonders for the entry, dining and kitchen.  We are expecting the carpet any time now.  I have consulted with a decorator on wallpaper and some window coverings.  Now we want to replace the kitchen counters with "European" style Formica instead of the horrible white tile we have.  When will it ever end?  Gordon installed some new brass lights at the front of the house instead of the yucky black ones that were there.  Can you believe it - Gordon fooling with the electrics?  So we will be very made-over for you when you get here.  Have you heard from Jimmy as to when you'll come?   I have planned to take off work September 21-26 to go somewhere with Gordon if we decide to go somewhere.  Is that too late for you?

Jackie arrives one month from today.  We are looking forward to her visit - but I'm a little concerned about what she'll do Monday-Friday with both Rhonda and I working and with the 10 days we'll be on vacation.  I will not feel like going out "clubbing" much either.  Oh well.  I supposed she will want to take care of Jillie during the rest of the time we are in town.  Too bad we still have to pay the sitter.

Well I'll sign off for now - just wanted to get you these pictures.  I've made comments on the back of some.  Looking forward to seeing you in August.

With love,

Gordon, Sharon and Jillian


Dear Isa,

Thank you for all the "goodies" you sent.  Jillie's little "undies" are adorable and she likes the fish shirt!  Gordon has barely taken his World Cup tee-shirt off.  I had to ask him if I could wash it!  You know how he is.

So Jillian has been a complete pain the last couple of weeks.  She consistently does what you tell her not to do.  Her new thing is to continually get out of bed.   Last Thursday night we put her to bed late - 9:30 and she got up every few minutes up until 12:00 a.m.  Gordon and I were so mad, but we didn't know what to do.  Anyway, Kelly gave me a good idea.  Tell her if she gets out of bed we will take her fur away!  Well on Saturday afternoon after 1 hour of trying to get her to lay down for her nap, I finally took her fur away.  You'd have thought I killed her best friend - but it worked.  Anyway we were successful Saturday night and Sunday was okay though she tested us again Sunday night.  I must say I really haven't liked her too much the last few weeks.  Rhonda, Gordon, Marie, Jillie and I went down to Main Street to watch the High School Band perform a concert in the park and then have dinner this past Friday night.   Jillie was a little butt to Marie kicking at her, tugging her balloon away from her, just doing mean things deliberately, while Rhonda and I were looking at her.  I was SO embarrassed, but I don't know what to do other than keep talking to her.  It's like she's trying to get more attention.  I hope this is a short phase.  By the way, Marie and Jillie wore their matching pink flowered two-piece outfits I bought them.  They were adorable.i

On the other hand except for the two nights of camping, she hasn't worn a diaper at any time.  She wet the bed week before last about 3 or 4 times but she hasn't since then.  I would say that she is definitely potty trained and now it's like she has been doing it all her life.

Nordstrom had their big semi-annual sale last weekend. Rhonda and I had lunch and then she was going over to Nordstrom so I asked her to pick up anything for Jillie she saw that she would "have  to have".  That was the wrong thing to say to Rhonda.  I owe her $80 for clothing now!  She has three new two-piece summer outfits and I bought her a yellow and black polka-dot two-piece swimsuit.  For her swim lessons you know!  I bought two new skirts (deep khaki and a beautiful purple); mustard, khaki and white blouses; and, a new pair of red pumps.  All for $250.00.  No bad huh?

That'll show those stupid barking dogs!

Gordon finally sold that condo in Livermore after five offers.  A black family with 7 children and "one in the oven" bought it.  Gordon came home laughing saying he was going to farm that neighborhood because he was sure someone would be moving.  Other than that bit of business nothing much has happened, though Gordon really hasn't been working much either.  He has registered for 3 classes working toward his fireman's certification.  He is still really excited about it and is especially looking forward to the medical classes.  He gets to spend 8 hours I believe in an ambulance and another 8 working in an emergency room.  He'll love that.  I asked him if he could deliver our next child after all this training!  He said "no problem".  Yeah, right!

This morning Gordon is at the pub watching Scotland playing Brazil.  He was up before 6:00 a.m. preparing and he had Jillie out the door on her way to Kelly's before she knew what hit her!  This afternoon he's going to an A's baseball game with the Allied Brokers gang.  Tough life!

Jillie and I are joining Pam (from my office) and her daughter Jessie on the 23rd for the Fair Parade on Main Street and then that afternoon we are going camping for the night with Rhonda and Mark up at Point Reyes on the north coast.  The weather, by the way, is now typical California summer - HOT!  We've got a big party to attend on July 1 at Pam's house.  A baby shower for our friend Deborah Castles which the kids are invited to.  Jessie's the one with the Shetland pony.  On June 30 is Alan and Susan's party in Santa Cruz.  And Ken and Katy are coming over this weekend for dinner.

I am trying to plan a surprise dinner for Gordon for his birthday.  I think we'll go to Bobby McGee's for dinner and have a crowd of people meet us there.  I've decided to get Gordon a Seiko watch for his birthday.  He has always wanted one.

Well I think that's all for now.  We are all healthy as we hope you are.  Have you lost any more pounds?  I haven't but I have worked out every day for the last 4 and plan on continuing.  Gordon has got us on the "McDougal" diet which we started yesterday.  I didn't cheat at all but Gordon cheated 4 times. And today he is at the pub and going to a baseball game!?!  Give me a break.

Say hello to Jimmy, Izzy, Vanessa and your mom.

Love from Sharon

P.S.  Jillie has been carrying around the little card you sent her saying "Grammy Isa sent me this from Scotland" like she is SO proud!

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