Thursday, November 3, 2011

Letters to Isa - May 27, 1988

Dear Isa,

More pictures enclosed!  The one on top of Jillie sitting in the grass is really cute.  I thought you might want that blown up to fit in one of your new frames.  If you do - just let me know and I'll pull the negative and get it over to you.

Jackie was taking care of another little girl last week who was about 2 months older than Jillian.  They had a good time together - of course we ALL got a cold from her and Jillian's has really lingered.  She kept me up until 2:00am the other night.  Her little nose is SO stopped up. I'm keeping Vaseline on it because it's getting raw.

Anyway, the little girls had a good time.  Gordon, of course, would hardly look at Jessica - he thinks there is no one   in the world but Jillie!  He's so weird!

So Jackie has definitely decided to leave the end of June.  I'm kind of annoyed because she told me she'd stay until December and asked me to change her ticket and visa.  And then she told Rhona and my friend, Katy Wright, that she was leaving before she told me.  I finally had to ask her.  So now we have but 4 weeks to find someone new, but I have a line on someone already though she's not a live-in.  I think Gordon and I might be ready to live alone again.  I wish Jackie's leaving didn't coincide with moving - it will be a lot for Jillian to handle.  Feel like coming out to help?  I wish you could.

So I told you I have a new job.  So far it's going great.  I really like the guy I'm working with (Joe Callahan) and the other people in the office are fun.

Gordon is doing okay.  He's kind of looking for a job.  We're a little concerned about 1989 and the prospect of a recession. The real estate industry is the first and hardest hit.  He's had no luck yet.

Well I'm at work and need to get busy. Let me know if you want a blow up of any of these pictures.

Take care,

Love from Sharon, Gordon and Jillian

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