Monday, November 21, 2011

Letters to Isa - July 5, 1990 and August 1, 1990

Dear Isa,

Time to write again and update you on the latest goings on.

First and foremost, Jillie started preschool about 2 weeks ago.  She goes 3 days a week but next week we are starting her 4 days a week.  She's not going to the school we toured.  She's going to the other school we talked about called Great Beginnings Learning Center.  She's in the "Teddy Bear's" room, though she says to us "I'm NOT a Teddy Bear!".  There are about 20 kids in the room with two teachers and 1 aide.  The ratio of kids to adults can only be a maximum of 8 to 1.  State law is 12 to 1.  Even so, Jillie is going through a big transition.  She says she doesn't like the school though she can not tell me why.  She has been a bit weepy but I know it's just an adjustment.  It has been more traumatic for Gordon and I.  He feels guilty for leaving her. One problem we have is when we leave her we try to stay a few minutes instead of dropping her and running.  So she gets kind of clingy instead of just joining the group activities.  Another problem is nap time.  All the kids nap on the floor on little mats.  Jillie is used to her own bed, own room, door closed and shades drawn.  She has managed to fall asleep several times (she get a big star by her name when she takes a nap!  She likes that) but they are still working on naps.  They start naps at 1:00pm and wake up at 3:00pm.  Not quite to Jillie's schedule.

Anyway there are lots of art activities, outdoor playtime, field trips (she's already gone for ice cream to Swensens, to the fair to see the baby animals and next week for a walk to a park for a brown bag lunch).  They sing songs, read and have morning and afternoon circle where they talk about the weather, their weekends, share pets, etc.

Along the pet line - Jillie and I found a baby bird in our driveway which was game to be "big" game to our cats.  So we adopted it.  It's a mockingbird which Jillian named "Crispy". Don't know why?  Anyway we've been feeding it with an eye dropper, cereals, squash, zucchini (fresh from our garden!), mashed banana, etc.  Gordon has even been out collecting roly-poly's, beetles, etc.  He was feeding these things to the bird with my good tweezers!!  Can you believe it?  Anyway the bird thinks Gordon's its mom (Gordon hates it when I tell him that - HA) and he takes it outside for "flying lessons."  He throws it up in the air over and over.  Its mom is still outside and this morning we put the cats in the house and left Crispy outside all morning.  Its mom fed it for hours and encouraged it out of the box.  When I came home at lunch it was sitting under the apple tree but we collected it and will try again tomorrow.  Crispy just can't get the knack of flying yet.  Jillie tortures it as much as Andy naturally so we have to watch her all the time.

Jillie has also started swim lessons two weeks ago.  They were group lessons though I couldn't get her to do anything for me.  Now Linda, her instructor, is giving her 15 minute private lessons but I think they're a bit advance for her.  Her first private lesson she was made to go under and "swim" to the side.  I couldn't take it and stopped the lesson.  Next time Gordon's going with her to see how he feels the lessons are going.

Gordon is LOVING school.  He is taking advanced first aid and soon starts Emergency Medical Training and fire 50, the beginning class to his fire fighting classes.  He's at school from 6:00pm to 10:00pm Tuesday and Thursday nights.  He practices with Jillie and I bandaging us and respirating us.  He has already written his term paper on Angina and has already applied for a job with the Castro Valley Fire District.  There are over 75 applicants but if he tests well, which Gordon does, and interviews well, he just might get the job.  The position is based 20% on written test, a little on physical in that you must pass a physical test and 80% on interview.  Since it's a real man's job, Gordon should interview well.  He seems to be really jazzed!  Finally!!

He doesn't know but a group of about 18 are doing a surprise dinner for his birthday.  Everyone will meet at Bobby McGees on Saturday evening at 5:00pm and we'll show up a little later for dinner.  Then we'll just stay at the club and move to another club at the San Ramon Marriott.  Howie is coming up for the night also as a surprise.  Gordon said he just wanted the two of us to have dinner and go to a movie.  I hope he's pleasantly surprised.

We have been to 5 parties in the last week.  My office threw a barbecue at the Fair last Friday.  So we went, pigged out and rode rides all afternoon.   Jillie's favorite was the Ferris Wheel.  Gordon's least favorite was the Ferris Wheel!  He's such a woos when it comes to rides.  Saturday was Gordon's office party at the aquatic center so Jillie swam all afternoon, then we went to Alan and Susan's in Santa Cruz for Susan's 40th birthday party.  We had so much fun.  The party was all outdoors and there was a huge checkerboard dance floor.  Jillie danced for hours!  There was an absolutely beautiful spread of food.

Sunday was Pam's party for my friend at work who's pregnant.  That was fun too.  Pam's daughter Jessie has a Shetland

Speaking of weeds, our garden is exploding.  I've already cooked millions of zuc's, squash and green beans.  We've picked peppers and the tomatoes and watermelons are really coming along.  I've made 4 apple pies from our apple tree and there are hundreds more laying on the ground and on the tree to pick.  There are a couple of nice aubergines coming along too.

The old diets are still coming a long.  I've bought a new "Cathy Smith" work out tape that's more fun.  They are 25 minutes of aerobics and then a workout with weights.  I've lost another 4 or 5 pounds since you left.  We are eating no fat whatsoever (even tofu!) just rice, potatoes, veggies and fruits.  Pretty boring, but it works.  Of course, Jillie still eats some meat and dairy but she's adjusting to the diet too.

I'm home now so I'll finish up.  We aren't using ANY oils or additives which means no sauces, etc.  Gordon bought a book called The MacDougal Plan.  That's what we've been following.  Of course we break it occasionally, like eating apple pie - but I don't use any butter in it.

So how are things in Scotland?  You know Jackie's birthday is the 9th of July.  1 year ago was that horrible accident.  Any word on where Jimmy is vacationing yet?  How's your diet this week?

Gordon's business continues to be dreadfully slow.  He is real close to needing to get a job; unfortunately.  All the listings are just sitting and his last escrow just fell through.  I wish he'd have started his schooling sooner.  If he has to get a job it might screw up his school schedule.  I'll keep you posted.

We are still receiving the North Carolina newspaper.  There seem to be a LOT of jobs there.  And the housing is unbelievable.  We could get a house 1/2 again larger than ours, 3/4 to 1 acre; 4 or 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, pool, tennis, spa on a golf course for $100,000.00.  I told Gordon, "let's take 3!"  If we lived there you could buy your own home. Something to consider.  Anyway, Gordon is  sending resumes and he hopes to get a couple of interviews scheduled and go back and look around.  He still wants to pursue firefighting too but at least we could move with someone employed and have a decent start.  I wouldn't have to work right away.  Anyway, we'll see.  Again, I'll keep you posted.

Thanks for sending all the post cards off to Jillie.  She really likes them.  She got 3 Angus books from her book of the month club this month.  Angus is a Scottie dog, from Scotland.  Do you know the stories?  Anyway we always say that Angus comes from where Grammy Isa lives.

Hope you can come back soon.  I'll write again in the near future.  Jillie made this art especially for you.  Just before she had to go to bed for spitting!!!!

Sending our love to you Isa,



Dear Isa,

I've enclosed some pictures from our "rainy" camping trip in June, Father's Day breakfast in bed, swimming at Lake Del Valle and Gordon's birthday party.  There are comments on the back of some of the pictures.  I will send you pictures of Jillie's birthday party as soon as I can get them.

She is very excited about the party.  Mostly she's excited about her dessert request, chocolate cupcakes with chocolate icing and candies on top with vanilla ice cream!  Miss Bossy Boots!  So far there will be 7 kids and probably twice as many adults.  Gordon built quite a beautiful sand box, so with it, the pony rides and Jillian's bouncing horse and slide, there will be plenty for the kids to do .  I'm making fried chicken for the kids and chicken salad croissant sandwiches for the adults.

Katie Krause has taught me how to can fruits.  I've canned 7 quarts of apples from our tree (and made about 15 pies!) and Sunday, Jillie, Katie and I went out to the country and picked 35 pounds of peaches.  I've canned 14 quarts and have about as many quarts to go. It's really fun and not as hard as I had thought it was all these years.  My next project is pears and maybe some jams (pomegranate this winter from our tree).

Jillie seems to really like Montessori school.  There is a rabbit there named Daisy that she speaks of a lot.  The teachers are really warm and friendly and seem to have a very relaxed attitude while being firm in disciplining the children, ie, sharing, etc.  Sharing is an area that Jillie definitely needs help in.

Oh I wanted to tell you that the other day Jillie was at Katie's and Katie asked her if she loved her Grammy (meaning Katie).  Jillie didn't say no, instead she said "I love my Grammy Isa".  Isn't that sweet?

Gordon and I are really excited that you are coming at Christmas.  We may have something special planned.  We are working on it.  Also we're glad that you are thinking positively about coming to live in the U.S. permanently.  We both think this is where you should be.  I know it is a hard decision since you've only lived in Scotland and moving is a big life change but I think you'd be really happy here given the right set of circumstances, which could be worked out.  I hope Jimmy is amenable to helping work out those circumstances.  Any word on when exactly he's coming over?  I'd like to have him for dinner.  I guess that means I'd have to have Marsha too!

Well I need to get back to work.  I'll write again in the next couple weeks to let you know about Jillie's party.

Take care of yourself and love to all our Scottish friends!

Love from Sharon

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