Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Suspencion of Consciousness? Not happening!

Our morning began with ringing. 

You've seen the movies, you've heard the ring-ring of a European phone but what you don't really hear in the movies is the shrillness of the ringing!  It's not ring-ring.....it's RING-RING!!!   Good God Almighty!  That damn phone.  We were both asleep.  And we decided that we wouldn't answer it because we were still in the thick of sleep.  Big mistake.  It rang for what seemed forever before it stopped and then I thought "good, I'll go back to sleep."  No chance.  Was it one of the girls calling?  Was it someone calling for one of the girls?  Was it a family member from back East?  Why didn't I answer it because there's no going back to sleep.

I went to bed last night tired.  I hadn't napped during the day hoping I would get a decent nights sleep.  I usually read before turning the light out and that's what I did until about 11:00pm but once again, I was wide awake and, of course, Gordon was sleeping soundly next to me.  So I got up to watch TV.  Cable TV in Scotland is complete and utter rubbish.  There's NOTHING on worth watching so I watched the only thing that remotely interested me which was probably the worst movie on the planet.  Tom Cruise and Bryan Brown in Cocktail.  What a horrible movie.....and I watched the whole thing so I'm here to tell ya, don't watch it!

So when the phone rang this morning I was sleeping soundly thus the reason for not answering but then I was awake.  Oh well.  Live and learn.

Gordon and I tried several times to go for a walk today but each time we thought we might head out it was POURING rain.  The weather this year is really different from last year.  We were here in early September to the first week of October last year and the weather was beautiful.  It's not real cold (except night temps) but it's just rainy.  Anyway we gave up on a walk and decided to do an hour of yoga which was great.

Finally the weather "brightened" and after baths/showers we headed down into the town to look in the local antique store, Lothlorian's, and several other little shops on the High Street and then down to the Woolen Mill to see what's what.  Nothing, that's what.  So by now it's after 3:00pm here and 4 o'clock somewhere so we decided to have a pint.

View up Gallow Hill from the Woolen Mill.

St. Andrew's Parish in Moffat.

Slightly older than buildings we see in California!

The window pane ended up in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Looking up the High Street.  That's the Buccleuch on the left.

The Buccleuch.

A pint of Guinness and a 1/2 pint Carling at The Buccleuch.

The brown tall and Guiness Book of World Records building is The Star.

The Star Bar.

1/2 Foster's and a pint of Criffel.
Later Gordon went off to see the Celtics play a Russian team at a local public bar and I  was on dinner.  Leftovers and a quiet, cold night ahead.  Wish me luck with sleep!

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