Friday, October 12, 2012

Rainy Day

It started to rain late on Wednesday and continued all throughout the day on Thursday.  Sometimes it was just a little bit of "wetting rain", as Gordon likes to say, and sometimes it just poured.  It was a drink coffee and pajamas kind of day.  It was watch hours of Come Dine with Me on TV kind of day.  So.......

So we made the very bright decision to exercise before we watch hours of Come Dine with Me!  An hour of yoga and a little light housekeeping first - showers and then we were going to go to Lockerbie for one final grocery run.  But honestly, we are hooked on Come Dine with Me!  And the show took place in Edinburgh so we had to watch.  Two hours later at 2:00 we finally got out the door to drive the 20+ minutes to Lockerbie.  Of course it's when the rain was fairly coming down.

As we entered town I asked to stop at Cobwebs again to have another poke around.  We ran into the owner, Irene, and chatted with her.  She's a pretty shrewd business woman and knows the surrounding area really well.  She in fact has been to our home after Isa, Gordon's mum, passed to give us a valuation of all her personal property as required by the Queen so she can further tax us on things that belong to us...not her.  Oh well.

We left after an hour or so and headed over to Tesco. 

Need:  Dill, bananas, berries, lettuce - would love some figs but haven't seen any and I'm sure I will have completely missed the fig season upon my return to the states.  Figs and goat cheese, yummmm, one of my favorites.

Need:  Roses for the bathroom, cheese, bread, single cream aka, 1/2 and 1/2, parchment paper, beer and wine, unsalted butter.

And, of course, there's always what some of us want.  Gordon want, dessert!  So we picked up a small rhubarb pie and Mackey's vanilla ice cream.  A heart attack on a plate.

And, since we're out, why not stop by the pub on the way home for a pint before making dinner.  We got home about 5:00 - too late to stop for the other ingredients I need for tonight's dinner....

Need:  honey, vanilla, fresh eggs and Cumberland sausages.

We are having Gordon's cousin and her partner over for dinner tonight and I'm making it easy on myself by again making Roasted Sausages and Grapes.  This recipe is so simple but so delicious it's ridiculous.  Here I use these fabulous pork and herb Cumberland sausages but omit the boiling of the sausage because they are so fine.  Great recipe....I suggest you try it.

So today we'll need to run to the butcher, the deli and to the farm to take eggs.

Upon our return from the pub we put our heads together and made small lamb racks roasted with garlic, parsley and breadcrumbs with a little dijon and a drizzle of butter; boiled red potatoes and green beans.  it was really good.  I know I've said it before but, there's no lamb better than Scottish lamb....there just isn't.

Another episode of Come Dine with Me?  Oh goody! Then it's off to bed for me to read Gone Girl.  This is my third book since I've been here.  Just finished Wild (Lost and Then Found), great book.

Gordon came to bed later and said "you should see the spider I caught in the living room"!  What?  Another spider?  We get some mega-huge spiders over here inside the house.  I've never seen spiders outside except for grand-daddy long-legged kind of spiders, but inside the house - GEEZ!  Anyway he says "I've kept it for you to see".  What?  What do you mean?  He proceeds to go to sleep and I'm thinking I can't go to sleep until I know this creature isn't going to come down the hall and slip into bed with me.  Now I'm wide awake at 11:30 so I creep down the hall turning lights on all the way.  The BIG BRIGHT LIGHTS THAT LIGHT UP THE WHOLE HOUSE!  Sure enough in the living room and sitting under one of our drinking glasses! is a huge spider.  Another huge spider, about the 5th one we've caught since we have been here only 2 weeks!

I couldn't fall to sleep until almost 2:00 thinking about what other spiders are lurking around the house.  As you can tell, I'm not fond of spiders.  So here I am early Friday morning just me and my pet spider writing my post.  Wonder what Gordon's intentions are when he gets up?  I know I'll be in the other room while he ushers this bugger out!

Still raining today!

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