Friday, October 26, 2012

"Moo's" On a Very Cold Day

Well as predicted, it was a very cold morning.  Everything was frozen over this morning....the car windshield, the birdbath.  Gordon got up just before 7:00a.m. but I snuggled back down into bed not wanting to venture out.  We turn the heat off at night so this morning it was particularly cool and I thought I'd wait till he had warmed up the house and made coffee before I ventured out.  I heard the front door and footsteps - he's crazy!  Gordon headed down the hill to Grieve's for the morning paper.   When he got back I finally got up and he told me it was bloody freezing out so we spent most of our morning  procrastinating about going out for a walk.  But by 11:00a.m we couldn't put it off any longer and choose a shorter and more protected walk than the open fields up to Merlin's Cave.

Along the way we passed various grazing cows and noted their many different colors.  They had steam seeping from their nostrils as they crunched cold and dry grasses.

Cute color....

that black and white ones cheeky....

standard brown cow....

sweet faces for cows!....

But I think this is the cutest!
You know I'm struggling for blog posts when I'm writing about cows eh!!!!  A little further on we walked across the little stream that we have crossed several times while here.  It looks completely different from the first time we crossed as all of the leaves have fallen.  This was today....

and this was the picture I took in the same spot on our 2nd day here.

Home to a hot bath to warm up and me off to do a little last minute shopping at the antique store in town and the deli.  Spoke to Maureen at length and we are having her over for dinner tomorrow night and hopefully Hunter too.  But for tonight, Gordon met me at the Star for our usual's:
Gordon's final Haggis, Neeps and Tatties and...

the final fish and chips!
When we came back up the hill at was snowing.  Hope it doesn't continue though because I wouldn't want to be snowed in!!!  Can you see the flakes coming down?  The roof on the Children's Theater is already white!  OH NO!

Counting down our final days and looking forward to a final visit with friends and packing!

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