Friday, October 5, 2012

A False Start on the Day

After a very good nights sleep we awoke to a dreary day.  Gordon had promised Maureen he would walk Max for her this morning so Gordon did his duty while a caught up on two days of blog posts.  When he returned we had smoked salmon scrambled eggs, toast and coffee and debated the day.  We decided on Hermitage Castle because it's close-ish to home.  I have a massage at 3:00pm so we can't venture too far but as it turns out Hermitage closed on September 30.  Sooooo, after rethinking we ended up working in the yard. 

Yard work in Moffat is always a bit depressing for me;  I spend all my time cutting back spent flower heads from summer but I never get to see what it looks like during peak bloom!  There seem to be lots of flowers though so at least I know our efforts are worth it.....for the neighbors who can peek into the back yard!  We filled the waste can and left a huge pile out front AND we aren't done yet.  I must say the yard is looking pretty good.

I went in at 2 and took my bath preparing for my trip to see Anne, the massage therapist who used to treat Isa.  She lives at the farm next to the Peel Tower we visited last week.

It was an interesting experience.  Gordon drove me there because the weather was very iffy.  Anne gives massages at her personal residence which is also a B&B.  When the door opened a little elderly woman stood there in a navy blue pantsuit looking all sweet and grandmotherly.  "Hello", "Hello are you Anne?" (hoping it was Anne's mother) was Anne.  Hmmmm.  Now I've had lot's of massages in the past but they've ALWAYS been given by someone my age or less - certainly not by someone who I feel like I should be massaging!  But in I go.  This little granny had some strong hands and she gave me a nice neck, shoulder and back massage while chatting away about locals, her step-daughter's upcoming wedding and asking questions about my own daughters and what they are doing in their lives.  Not completing relaxing but a good workout for my back and shoulders just the same.  And it was only 20 pounds...$25.00.

Gordon picked me up at 4 and we went back to the house and then headed down the hill for a beer and dinner.  But, oh no, it's raining...but wait, the sun is shining.  Weird weather.  The sun was shining down the hill toward the high the west and to the east it was raining including right on our house.  So I grabbed the umbrella and we headed out to see a fabulous double rainbow!

Behind our house

And from a block off the High Street

At the Star, our favorite, we had a pint and I ordered fish and chips, YUM, and Gordon had Haggis, neeps and tatties, a favorite Scottish dinner for him.  After we went to the local Co-Op grocery store for a little ice cream for our leftover tart.  Me thinks my jeans won't fit soon!  BEER, FISH AND CHIPS AND DESSERT!
For you Natalie! Kitty food in jelly?
We took a walk after and ended up on a little lane I've never been on before and saw this darling little row house.....
 ...looking down and...
 ....up the lane.
 Here's another little cottage.....all that's required is a roof!  Wonder how old this place is?
 We're having an early evening tonight and hopefully another restful nights sleep.  It's supposed to be a beautiful, sunny weekend and we've got plans to leave this town and go out exploring.  More adventures to follow.

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