Thursday, September 5, 2013

Flora, Fauna and Fungus

Walking to Merlin's Cave on Wednesday morning began with the entry through a pasture filled with cows.  I don't like cows.  They're big and rhino-like.  I'm rather nervous with cows around.....especially cows with babies.  We had read that last month, in a community just north of us, an older gentleman was walking his dog in a pasture where there were cows with their young that got spooked by his dog.  He was trampled to death.   "Nuff" said.

So wearing his brightest red shirt, Gordon proceeded to be the protector of his kin and ventured into the field of cows before Jillian and I.  The guy with the freshly replaced ACL.  A man's job!
Cow butt.

Cow just waiting to attack us.
Jillian and then Gordon leave me behind!

But we made it safely through and up into another pasture full of sheep.  Safely through as witnessed by another very boring treatise of our walks of Moffat.

The picture behind us ......just to be sure there are no cows following.

After an hour walk we approach Merlin's Cave.  Turning to shoot behind us and down the crevasse we've just hiked, this is what I see!

Again, they leave me!

Yet another fauna......dead atop the cave of Merlin.
We made it alive!
What's that in the grass?

Ah, so cute.

After almost a two hour walk we make our way back and through the pasture with the cows and passed  through the kissing gate and safely into the road and we see safe cows.  Cows behind a fence!  Cute cows!

Friendly cows!

Sweet cows.

Kissable cows!


After our walk, we venture into filming another GoPro video.  This one better but too fast.  Still experimenting.  A day of just hanging out and Jill working on her film.  Only until Tuesday to work on the film and then a two week break and one more week until she's back in New York and having to screen her movie to her producers.  Working on her film is VERY IMPORTANT.  Gordon and I are just boring enough to enjoy doing  N O T H I N G  in Moffat.

Today, Thursday, we had a slow morning and then Jill and I took off for a 3 mile walk while Gordon worked on a staircase railing off the laundry room and fencing in the yard.  So up to Gallow Hill we went:
Again, the greens here are so spectacular on the trees in the form of leaves and.....

on the trees in the form of moss!
Up the top of Gallow Hill.  This is a picture I take every year!

Old root fungus.....

.....old root fungus and wild digitalis (foxglove)!

On our way off the hill we venture into neighboring gardens of roses and nasturtiums.

An espaliered apple tree against the old Kirk.

Another cute garden of nasturtiums, petunias, geraniums,

hanging baskets and

window boxes full of assorted annuals and perennials!

Gorgeous HUGE begonias and
petunias and



Dinner of tender Scottish racks of lamb and a puree of potatoes and cauliflower and sauteed brussel sprouts.  Hey, I can put a meal together!   Lots of work on the film for Jillie today with me peering over her shoulder.  Poor Jill!  Skeleton Key on the TV tonight....SCARY!  And I baked an apple tart with leftover pastry from the other night.  Yummy.  I don't think we're losing any weight before we head off on a two week luxury cruise!  But we sure are in relaxation mode which makes a change from normal for Gordon and Jillian.  Happy to oblige with the cooking and the care-taking. 

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