Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Cows and Giants

 As soon as Gordon and I turned off the lights last night, by the way he was asleep immediately, some rogue cow started mooing like it was giving birth or something and it went on into the night.  Then later I heard a kitty meowing and then in the morning it was a pack of birds just out side our open window (see picture directly below).  When I asked Gordon about all the noise last night he said "I didn't hear a thing!"  Damn it!  It's just another one of those things about getting older I just don't sleep as well.

Whitepark House entry

And sitting room part A

and part B

The front door to Whitepark House

That second floor is our room.
 So after a delicious breakfast in the conservatory with our fellow B&B mates we headed out to view The Dark Hedges as seen in Game of Thrones.  They are an avenue of beech trees planted in the 18th Century.

Unfortunately some recent tree trimming has lessened the overhanging branches and lightened the road but they are still really beautiful and interesting.

 Then we went off to the Carrick-a-reide rope bridge formerly used by salmon fisherman.  It's only just over a half mile walk but the rope bridge is sure interesting!
The views while walking to the bridge

My decent down to take on the bridge.  It's a doozy of a height!

Success and here comes Gordon!

 The views are spectacular and the weather, unbelievable!  Just like California!!

Pretending to fall.  More like pretending to surf!

 After the rope bridge we drove west about 6 miles to the town of Bushmill and went to the oldest distillery in the world...Bushmill's Distillery.  We had a wonderful tour by this cute little 24 year old Irish guy and learned all about making Whiskey.  Now if only we liked whiskey!
Waiting for the tour

And pretending to sample whiskey

The real deal!  Just see how much he likes it....haha

 We went in to the little town of Bushmill to find something to eat and get the taste of whiskey out of our mouths (the local chippy) and walked the little town.  Scenic shots.
The Great War memorial in front of the old Tollbooth.

 Then a quick trip to the ruins of Dunluce Castle.

 And a visit to the beach at Portrush, a very popular beach town along the north coast.
 Back up to our neck of the woods and a walk way down a steep hill to Whitepark Bay beach and along the lovely sandy beach.

Gordon put his feet in the Irish Sea!

Even cows enjoy a stroll along the beach.  Too weird.     

After a quick nap and shower we headed back out to the town of Bushmill for dinner at Tartine recommended by Bob, the B&B owner.  I had a goat cheese salad that was fabulous.  Gordon had a mixed green salad and roast salmon with red Thai curry and I had a vegetable risotto.  We split a very yummy sticky toffee pudding afterward.  All and all a great meal.

Goat cheese salad

The Salmon and Thai curry

An odd looking but delicious risotto

As the sun was setting we decided to hurry along the Giant's causeway to the Giant's steps.  Lore has it that there was an Irish giant named Finn McCool who was in an argument with a Scottish Giant.  Legend says that Finn built these giant steps all the way to Scotland so he could go and beat up the Scottish Giant.  There are similar stones in the Hebredes in Scotland.  Okay.  In fact they are basalt columns etched thousands of years ago by mother nature into this amazing formation.  Here are some pictures and a breathtaking sunset.

It's hard to imagine these columns are made by man

 The B&B was vacant when we returned home so I grabbed a couple of pics of the conservatory before Gordon and I turned in.

It was a busy long day but so fun and beautiful.  We just couldn't ask for better weather here on the North Coast of Ireland.  Traveling in the Fall really does provide you the best opportunity for good weather. 

Tomorrow we leave our comfortable room inside this beautiful Bed and Breakfast and head southwest toward Donegal, Ireland.   New adventures await!

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