Monday, September 29, 2014

Rain to Sun, Golf to Ahhhhhhhh

We left Moffat on Sunday around 1:00pm to head up to The Sun Inn for Sunday Roast with Maureen and her sister-in-law Catherine and her two Granddaughters, Ella and Freya.  We had dinner with Catherine and Maureen the evening before at the Italian Restaurant in town, Claudio's and we looked forward to another meal and a visit with Ella and Freya before heading back to their private school, Loreto School in Edinburgh.

Sunday was really the first active rain we've seen since arriving in Scotland and as we climbed the Beef Tub it was really coming down......windshield wipers on full speed!  But just an hour outside of Moffat the skies began to break up and clear and we ended up with a beautiful day first meeting up at The Sun Inn and then into Gullane and North Berwick.

So Sunday Roast in Scotland is something to partake of.  Thin sliced roast beast, mashed potatoes and gravy, Yorkshire pudding and green peas (in the pod) cheesy cauliflower and ratatouille.  It was a yummy meal in a somewhat noisy restaurant but we had a nice visit and headed out just after 4:00 to see what's what with the golf courses along Scotland's "Golf Coast Road".

This is the Victorian Almond Valley Viaduct carrying trains from Edinburgh to Glasgow across rivers and valley's still in use today.
 This is our first glimpse of the Firth of Forth looking across to the Kingdom of Fife!
 As we round the corner along the Golf Coast Road we come to the driving range just before the Clubhouse at Gullane.....all set up and ready to go!

 This is the Spa entrance at Archerfield, my task for the next day while Gordon plays golf with his buddy Mike Robson.
The Spa

 Also on the Archerfield Estate, Archerfield House which is a hotel.
 Coming into North Berwick.

Looking across a golf course out to a major rock in the Sea!

Golfers hitting their final shots before sunset.

Looking out to the North Sea.

Scenes along the coastal town of North Berwick.

The tip of land across the water is where St. Andrews golf course lies.

The far mountain is called Berwick Law and is an imposing figure behind North Berwick.
 We arrived at our B&B, the Adniston Manor House, and decided to open a bottle of wine and cozy in bed to watch Episode 2 of Downtown Abbey!
 Our room is very nice with a king sized bed, very rare in Scotland!  and a sitting room and separate bathroom.  Out our window is a huge meadow and off to the right is the Firth of Forth barely visible....and
 ....what's this a spy out our window?

 After our "full Scottish breakfast", his, not mine, we headed out for our Monday appointments.  On the way we noted several HUGE WALLS AND ENTRANCES to Gosford House, a ginormous mansion sitting on 5,000 acres not visible from the street.  Pretty imposing entrances.....

This is Luffness House, a 13th Century Castle on the Coast Road.
So I dropped Gordon at Gullane to meet up with Mike  and his buddy Justin and another man, Andy, that Mike met on Twitter who currently lives in China but is originally from Canada.  Anyway it was a drop, kiss and run situation for me as it's 11:15 and I've got to drive another little bit further down the road to make my 11:30 appointment at Fletcher's Spa at Archerfield.  I pull in the parking lot and see all these men swinging their golf clubs......wait, no one is swinging, they're just standing there....wait, they have NO heads!  Is it me or is this kinda weird and a bit scary?

So I check in and immediately get handed a delicious green juice while slipping off my shoes and slipping into fluffy slippers, ahhhhhhhh, then I'm led to my own private bathroom where I'm asked to get into my robe to be shown around.
My sink and dressing table,

Robe and toilet area.  It's spacious and beautiful.
Anyway, I slipped my camera into my purse for the day so have no real pics inside the spa.  It is an absolutely gorgeous spa, one of the nicer spas I've ever seen and the staff is exceptional.  My massage and facial were fabulous, so relaxing and their all organic and natural products smelled and felt wonderful.  Oh, I do have one more picture...after my massage and a sit in the sun in the walled garden, I'm served "High Tea" except I ordered a cappuccino along with a fruit smoothie and small dish of berries.  Delicious! AND NO I didn't eat all of those yummy treats!

I showered and headed out of the Archerfield Estate at 4:30ish to go back to pick up Gordon but,....damn these are weird....

From what I could gather, these are part of an exhibit for Nike clothing. 
I had a glass of wine with this view of the 18th hole of Gullane Course 3 while waiting for the boys to finish.  Gordon said he had a brilliant day.  The weather was gorgeous and warm all day and he required sunscreen!
 We had a beer with the boys and quick visit before heading off to the Old Clubhouse, actually almost visible in the above picture just more to the left and arrived back at the B&B at 7:30.  Tired tonight and looking forward to our adventure tomorrow heading out to the great Kingdom of Fife and St. Andrews golf course!

See you then!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Week 3 in Scotland

We returned to Moffat last Thursday, the day of the Referendum.  Maybe a little historical perspective from a non-Scottish person might be helpful here.

When I met Gordon way back in 1985 and began to get to know him, Scottish politics became a part of our discussions.  I knew nothing of the politics in Scotland.  I knew Scotland was a part of the U.K. but kinda thought of Scotland as separate.  Turns out I was right. 

So, there's a Labor Party, a Conservative party (currently in power under Cameron) and the Scottish National Party.  When people in the U.K. vote they vote for their party....not for the person.  After the party is elected they bring forward their leader.  Not that no one knows about the "head" of the party just sort of takes the pressure off the leader of the party to get the party elected instead of her/him.  Did that make sense?  I don't know.

Anyway, it's the Scottish National Party that brought forward the Referendum to secede Scotland from Britain.  Gordon, since I met him, has always been a supporter of the Scottish National Party.  I've endured years of "we're Scottish not British" - "300 years of rape and pillage by the English", etc., etc.  So now is the big chance for Scotland to once and for all take matters into their own hands.  Ahhhhh, if only Gordon could vote.  As I've said before, only currently residing citizens could vote in this Referendum which is very weird to me being a U.S. citizen and able to vote in ANY election or referendum based on the fact that I'm a citizen of the U.S.  Britain recognizes a British subject whether they have a U.S. Passport or not, but for matters surrounding the Referendum, you had to live in Scotland.  Do I think the vote would have turned out differently had Ex-Pat's been allowed to vote?  YES!  They didn't leave their country because they were happy did they?

So long story short, when Gordon arrived he was a YES voter but his and my thoughts on the matter gradually began to shift as we spoke to people here in Moffat and as we traveled in Ireland and Wales and England and listened to the news and heard the YES campaign people being interviewed.  The problem for us was, there were NO facts.  None.  And when YES campaigners were repeatedly asked questions like, "what happens to the pound and banking if we secede from the U.K." no one, not one had an answer.  They were pretty good at dodging answers though!  The Royal Bank of Scotland, really the only bank in Scotland, said they would move to London.  What would the currency be?  No one would say.  AND, it's not guaranteed that Scotland would get into the European Union.  You have to apply to the EU and it could take 10 years to get in.  Anyway, there were WAY too many unanswered questions to make an informed decision.  Passion is one thing, reality another.  As Gordon said, he's "got skin in the game" here in Scotland with two properties and who knows what would have happened to property prices. Now we're talking about our own pocketbook!

As we know, the Referendum went to the NO voters. I'll just add here what a frustrating experience it was to be interested in the vote and get absolute NO NEWS ALL DAY.  All you people in the U.S. know that polls open at what, 7, and from then until the polls close you get results updated continually throughout the day with news crews out at polling stations and reporters speculating on which way the vote will go ALL BLOODY DAY LONG!!!!  Here, there's nothing.  NO THING.  Not until morning after all the votes are counted, by hand!  There's no electronic voting here.  The Islands in the West of Scotland have to have their votes picked up by boat and brought to the mainland to be counted by hand after 10:00 pm.  So all night long I was getting up and turning the TV on to see what was going on and it wasn't until 6:00 am on Friday until we officially knew which way the vote was going.  What a waste of a good nights sleep.  If I had only known.

Here in Moffat there were no repercussions that we were aware of but in Glasgow that carried a YES vote, there were riots.  In fact, Gordon went down to watch local Rugby on Saturday and the game was called off because the local boys were playing the police whose team was decimated because of the Glasgow riots.  Game called off!

Well enough about that.  Gordon and I were exhausted upon our return from Ireland/Wales/England and spent Friday and Saturday doing laundry, shopping, in home cooked meals and recuperating from our 1,400 mile drive.  We took a walk up to the Moffat Well along the sheep fields and spied a funny cow who spent a good deal of time cleaning her mouth and nose.  She cracked me up!

 It was another beautiful and warm day.

This is a view of Gallow Hill from below.  We walk this hill every year only this year ALL the trees in the forest at the top have been chopped down leaving this very sad sight.  Boohoo

The fabulous petunias and begonias that I photograph every year.

On Monday Gordon and I researched a local castle that we've never seen and decided to take a short drive to go see Drumlanrig Castle owned by the Duke and Duchess of Buccleuch.  
The approach to the castle.....

 Turns out the castle was closed for the season even though their website said they were open as well as the sign out front.  We were none too happy.  However, it was a nice drive and the grounds are fabulous.  Some day maybe we'll see the Castle too.
The long driveway approaching the Castle.
And we have enjoyed some beautiful evenings sipping wine on our verandah just the two of us and with Maureen.

We had a lovely meal with Maureen and her daughter Stacy and Stacy's two daughters, Ella and Freya on Saturday evening.  Maureen popped over to return some dishes the other day at 5ish and the three of us sat outside drinking wine and gabbing, ordering Indian food and eating and gabbing until midnight on Monday night!

Today we decided to bite the bullet and do the annual trek up the Gray Mare's Tail.  After popping 3 ibuprofen, we headed out.   Another beautiful day though it was quite windy and a bit "fresh" (the weather people's word not mine) at the top.
The long staircase up....

A look back through the valley and the parking lot where our tiny car awaits

Lamby friends

A warning to dog owners....please don't WORRY the sheep!

A sweet, sleeping goat

The windy top at Loch Skee

The tiny white dot clinging to the cliff is a crazy goat across the waterfall
The crevasse looking back toward the distant parking lot and our little car.

The next few days will be busy.  We have to run into Dumfries tomorrow for a little home project shopping Gordon has been working on.  Plus our microwave blew up so we need a new one.  Can't get one locally.

On Friday we are having another dinner party here and looking forward to it.  Dinner date on Saturday night at Claudio's Italian in town and Sunday we are meeting Maureen and her granddaughters at the Sun Inn for Sunday Roast just outside of Edinburgh before Gordon and I head to North Berwick to spend a couple of days.  Gordon is playing golf with an old friend on Monday at Gullane Golf Club and I'm heading off for a spa day at Archerfield House Spa.  We'll return to Moffat on Tuesday evening.

This week has been very leisurely and we're getting kinda antsy.  Just a couple of weeks to go now before we head back to Pleasanton and I can definitely say we are looking forward to being home.  I miss our girls and the kitties and I miss watching our yard change from summer to fall.