Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Thoughts

I can hardly believe it's the holidays again.  Where is the time going? You know in cartoons when they want to express how time flies they put up a calendar and the months keep tearing off faster and faster?  Well that's what my life feels like now.....just like my parents used to say it would when we were kids.  The older you get the faster the months and years go by.

This is an odd Christmas.  Actually....since the girls left for college starting with Jillian each Christmas has been different and a bit odd.  This year Jillian hasn't been home all year but she will arrive late evening of December 21and stay until January 2.  We decided to put the tree up and get the lights on and wait for her arrival to decorate.  Our typical tree decorating consists of yummy appetizers and champagne or martinis and a lot of laughter and joking.

So this year Gordon and I schlepped the tree in......Gordon's language gets very colorful while he's setting up the tree!  He wrestled it into the stand and I hung the lights on it and put the tree skirt around it.  I had actually wrapped presents the day before so I put them under the tree.  Natalie came home exhausted from her last week of school to start preparing and studying for finals.  We were enjoying a glass of wine in front of the "naked" tree and she said "let's decorate it!"  "We can't decorate it without Alison and Jillian", I say.  A few texts later Gordon, Natalie and I are decorating the tree.  We just couldn't bear it! 

Anyway the tree looks lovely, our home is all decorated and the lights are on the house.  Alison arrived home on Friday looking lovely and happy.  Natalie finishes her finals this week and should come home Friday evening, hopefully for the weekend.  And then next Wednesday night Jillian will slip into her bed in her own room and our house will be full again.....finally.

The last two weekends have been busy with dinner parties and cocktail hours.  A lot of delicious food and fantastic wines.  We've even broken out the "instruments" - a tambourine,  small drums, maracas, etc.  Those of you who have been here when we start the dancing know what I'm talking about.  When the instruments come out.....somebodies gonna barf!!!  Usually it's me!  This past weekend was no different!!!!

We went to the annual Christmas Pub Quiz at the restaurant I used to work in - Redcoats.  It's sponsored by the St. Andrew's Society, a Scottish Society.  This year I'm proud to announce that we took 2nd place, up from 3rd last year.  AND we were only 5 points off first!  Actually, if we hadn't changed so many damn answers we probably would have won.

Tomorrow I'm having a Christmas lunch with the best bud's and then Christmas Bunko is Thursday evening.  Just getting through the next weekend in anticipation of our impending full house.

Gordon and I have much to be thankful for.  Our family of funny, bright, beautiful girls; a home that we own outright; wonderful health and fantastic family and friends.  What more could we ask for?  Well, I need some new workout clothes from Santa, but.........

Happy holidays world!  And a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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