Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Thoughts

I can hardly believe it's the holidays again.  Where is the time going? You know in cartoons when they want to express how time flies they put up a calendar and the months keep tearing off faster and faster?  Well that's what my life feels like now.....just like my parents used to say it would when we were kids.  The older you get the faster the months and years go by.

This is an odd Christmas.  Actually....since the girls left for college starting with Jillian each Christmas has been different and a bit odd.  This year Jillian hasn't been home all year but she will arrive late evening of December 21and stay until January 2.  We decided to put the tree up and get the lights on and wait for her arrival to decorate.  Our typical tree decorating consists of yummy appetizers and champagne or martinis and a lot of laughter and joking.

So this year Gordon and I schlepped the tree in......Gordon's language gets very colorful while he's setting up the tree!  He wrestled it into the stand and I hung the lights on it and put the tree skirt around it.  I had actually wrapped presents the day before so I put them under the tree.  Natalie came home exhausted from her last week of school to start preparing and studying for finals.  We were enjoying a glass of wine in front of the "naked" tree and she said "let's decorate it!"  "We can't decorate it without Alison and Jillian", I say.  A few texts later Gordon, Natalie and I are decorating the tree.  We just couldn't bear it! 

Anyway the tree looks lovely, our home is all decorated and the lights are on the house.  Alison arrived home on Friday looking lovely and happy.  Natalie finishes her finals this week and should come home Friday evening, hopefully for the weekend.  And then next Wednesday night Jillian will slip into her bed in her own room and our house will be full again.....finally.

The last two weekends have been busy with dinner parties and cocktail hours.  A lot of delicious food and fantastic wines.  We've even broken out the "instruments" - a tambourine,  small drums, maracas, etc.  Those of you who have been here when we start the dancing know what I'm talking about.  When the instruments come out.....somebodies gonna barf!!!  Usually it's me!  This past weekend was no different!!!!

We went to the annual Christmas Pub Quiz at the restaurant I used to work in - Redcoats.  It's sponsored by the St. Andrew's Society, a Scottish Society.  This year I'm proud to announce that we took 2nd place, up from 3rd last year.  AND we were only 5 points off first!  Actually, if we hadn't changed so many damn answers we probably would have won.

Tomorrow I'm having a Christmas lunch with the best bud's and then Christmas Bunko is Thursday evening.  Just getting through the next weekend in anticipation of our impending full house.

Gordon and I have much to be thankful for.  Our family of funny, bright, beautiful girls; a home that we own outright; wonderful health and fantastic family and friends.  What more could we ask for?  Well, I need some new workout clothes from Santa, but.........

Happy holidays world!  And a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Letters to Isa - October 9, 1991, January 18, 1992, October 3, 1991 and the Final letter dated December 14, 2000

October 9, 1991

Dear Isa,

Here is the latest set of pictures of our family.  I really appreciate your leaving your camera for us.  It benefits us all!

The babies are doing am I.  I can't believe how much has changed since you left.  It was dumb of me to rely so heavily on you and everyone else for help with the babies.  I should have just believed in myself and gotten hold of the situation.  I think a schedule would have been worked out far sooner.  I just didn't believe that I could handle two infants on my own....too scared I guess.  Anyway the babies seem far happier now that they kind of know what's happening day to day and also because they are getting more sleep at night.  Natalie sleeps through the night about 3 to 4 nights a week.  She still wakes up between 3 and 4 the other nights.  Don't exactly know why but I've been unable to let her fuss for very long (in part because she's so loud).  I just get up and nurse her and I'm back in bed in 10-15 minutes.  No big deal.  Alison always sleeps through and is just beaming in the morning when we go to pick her up.

They eat a pile of rice/wheat/barley/oat cereal in the morning now.  I'm not measuring I just dump but I figure it's a third to a half cup.  Natalie doesn't eat as well as Alison.  Alison says, "mmmmmm" the whole time she's eating!  Gordon, Jillie and I get a kick out of it.  For lunch they eat squash, carrots, or soup.  They have devoured all the soup you made and I made up a new soup with mostly potatoes, carrot and celery.  I bought some leeks yesterday that I'll put in the next batch.  They still have no desire for apples and pears (strange) but Nat likes bananas now, especially with her graham cracker.  Natalie drinks 5-6 four ounce bottles a day now.  She always drinks the whole bottle, never 2 ounces here and another 2 in an hour.  Odd huh?  She was on that schedule for so long but stopped the first week you were gone.  It's almost as if they knew that we had to get down to business and figure each other out!

Gordon and I have been out to breakfast with them several times since you've been gone.  We go on a day when Jillie's in school.  Both babies sleep the entire time and we've not had any trouble.  Other than that though, we haven't been anywhere or done any thing, except for the venture to the mall to have their pictures taken.  It's a pretty boring life....but I'm enjoying it!

I took a seminar on in-home child care last week and got the low-down on what I'd need to do to become licensed.  It's actually pretty easy and doesn't cost anything.  I've filled out the application, just need fingerprints on myself and Gordon and I'll send it off.  I don't want to start until the new year so I'm not in a rush but it does take two months for a license.  Kenzie is still coming down once or twice a week and it's great.  So I think adding another child or two will be nice.  I'm setting a lot of limitations on the children I take and the times I'll take them though.  I don't want to get stuck with a situation that doesn't work out.

Gordon's fire training is proceeding okay.  He's out Tuesday and Thursday nights and all day Saturday.  Gordon said the first two weeks were boring but now it is beginning to get interesting.  Saturdays are really long for him.  They work out in the morning, running, doing push-ups and sit-ups, then it's all class room.  But soon they'll start doing actual hands-on stuff.  He's looking forward to that.   Saturdays seem endless for me.  They are harder than Tuesday and Thursday nights because he doesn't come home at all on Saturday until 6:30pm and he leaves at 7:30am.  At least on Tuesday and Thursday he comes home for lunch and then quits work about 4:00.  I'm trying to schedule people to come over on Saturdays for long visits.  Rhonda came the first Saturday, but she had to bring Marie with her so that wasn't so great.  Katy Wright was supposed to come last Saturday, but I came down with a cold Friday night and had to cancel.  Last Saturday was particularly hard with that cold.  Jillie took such good care of me and the babies it was really sweet.  She fed Natalie her bottle while Natalie was strapped into her little chair (she's fed her once everyday since then), she kept me covered up when I was laying on the couch and brought me water.  She kept all the babies toys picked up on their trays when they threw them off and played with them for long periods of time so I could rest.  She's real sensitive when I'm sick.  She had Alison laughing hysterically at one point.  I wish I had it video taped.

Becky down the street, the one pregnant with twins has now made it to full term and has yet to go into labor.  She goes into the hospital tomorrow, Thursday, to be induced, so there will be two more little girls added to the street by next week.  I'm looking forward to seeing them and I'm very thankful that I'm beyond what she will be going through.

Gordon sold both of his Livermore listings this week.  He will need to get back out there and get some more.  I know he's really frustrated.  I hope he gets a fire job or another offer from Miles Pharmaceuticals soon.

The weather continues in the 90's here although the evenings seem cooler now and it is definitely darker quicker.  The time will change this month and stop evening walks.  Jillie and I take the babies to the park bench in Woodthrush Park on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.  Jillie takes all her ponies and plays in the grass and I set the babies on a blanket to look around.  They felt grass for the first time this week.  Alison was scratching at it the way she scratches the playpen fabric and Natalie was trying to put it in her mouth, no teeth yet by the way.  Jillie likes the post card you sent with the horses on it.  She said "oh boy, more ponies!"  By the way, Halloween is October 31, so she has yet to be Snow White.  She has asked about you many times since you left saying that she misses you and we talk about your place at the kitchen table.  The room change is really good.  Her big girl room looks nice and Alison's room (Jillie's old room) is perfect for her too.  Plus it allows the  toys to be spread out more.  We have left Jillie's twin bed up in Alison's room for Jillie when guests come and she seems fine with that.  We also re-arranged the family room taking out most of the furniture and put up the "corral" for the babies.  It works out great.  I can leave the room without worrying about them.  Plus Jillie likes to get in and play ponies inside with the babies.  Today the girls watched a kids song video while I hung laundry out...."A Day at Old MacDonald's Farm".  I think they really liked it.  I was outside the whole film and when I came in they were both sitting in their walkers watching the TV.  It's kind of funny to see.

Well I'm going to pick up Jillie now.  The babies are sleeping so Jan, Kenzie's mom, is coming down to listen for them while I run out.  Gordon and I forgot to say who was to pick up Jillie today.

Enjoy these pictures and we'll talk to you soon.

With love,



January 18, 1992

Dear Isa,

Just wanted to drop these pictures in the mail.  That little Natalie is a gem and so proud to be standing and now both "cruising" on the furniture!

This has been a particularly hellish last 2 weeks.  First, Natalie's cold, then Alison's ear infection, then Jillian's pneumonia, then strep throat for me, then Natalie got the flu running a 101 degree temp for 5 days and now Alison's got it.  Today I'm tired of them fussing, tired of wiping and blowing runny noses, tired of trying to figure out what they'll eat and tired of being tired!  Not a very good way to start 1992!  But I feel by the time you are reading this letter all should be back to normal (whatever that is) at this house.

Both girls seem to be going through a phase of not liking anything I fix them to eat.  I've tried, apples, pears, bananas, squash, spinach, broccoli, carrots, peas, beans, rice cereal, wheat cereal, oat cereal, soups with everything and do you know what they absolutely gobble down? - SPAGHETTI!  Just like Gordon.  They also love MacDonald's french fries, naturally.  Anyway I'm quite frustrated with them trying to get decent food in them.  I definitely think Natalie will be a "cornflakes and bananas" kid!

We have booked our vacation and I have a surprise - Jackie and Alistair are going with us!  They are coming to San Francisco May 9 and the 4 of us will leave for Maui on May 12 returning on May 20.  They will head back to England on May 23.  It should be fun to spend some time with Jackie and meet Alistair.

I have arranged with Nadia to come every other day between 4-8pm to give you a hand.  She is also available every day if we feel you might need her.  It is very likely that you will and it will be $100 bucks well spent for your (and our) mental health.  Plus I've got a full week arranged for Jillie too, to ease the pressure on you.

We are discussing plans for the birthday bash.  I think it will be a combination "spring party" and birthday party.  There is a chance that my sister Sandy and Lisa might be here too.

Gordon continues to be busy.  He finished the academy last Tuesday night HOORAY!  We are going to the final dinner next Saturday.  By the way, we just LOVE Nadia and so does Jillie.  We have been to two movies in the last few weeks thanks to Nadia and we are going out to dinner next Friday, the Academy dinner Saturday; a baby shower (dinner) the following weekend and a wedding the weekend after that.  It's great to have somebody we really trust.  We left the house last night with all three girls up and Nadia did just great.  Thank you Jesus!

Well I hear the little ones stirring from their naps.  And I need to quit the marathon cartoon viewing that Jillie is in the middle of!  So I'll talk to you soon Isa - our love to you.



October 3, 1993

Dear Isa,

I really enjoyed our conversation earlier today.  I miss you.  I'm glad you have found your old friend again.  You didn't tell me her name.  I'll bet you had  a lot of catching up to do . Needless to say, you have probably had the most interesting news to tell her about your travels and, oh yeah, your grandchildren.  Have you bored her with a thousand pictures?

Speaking of pictures, I've included a new batch.  As you know, Jillian has started her horseback riding lessons.  All of the pictures enclosed are of her first lesson.  Her teacher, Irene (my moms name) is really nice.  She's soft spoken, gentle yet very cowgirly and she makes Jillie really at ease around the horses.  Jillian rides an old 20 year horse named Moe.  Irene is teaching her to groom the horse with a curry comb, brushes and a s special brush for his tail.  Jillian like to brush the tail the best.  she also has her carry the saddle from the barn and put it on the horse and the bridle also.  Then she leads him to the pasture for her lesson.  She's taken 4 lessons, she's learning to post and really control the horse.  Irene thinks she's doing well and was very impressed that she didn't cry when thrown from the horse and got right back on.  Gordon and I were proud of her too.

There are also two pictures from her first day at school.  As you can see, she's letting her bangs grow out.  It's a constant battle because they are driving me crazy hanging in her eyes but she looks very cute with her forehead showing off those big eyes.

By the way, Natalie's nose has finally healed.  It's still a little red in places but I think it will be okay.  I cut the twins hair the other night to just below their ears.  Basically I cut off the scraggly stuff.  They look really cute.  Alison's hair hangs just like mine and Natty's has a little bend at the end.  I think they like the cut, they seem to have a new way of walking around kind of shaking their heads and admiring themselves in the mirror!

As I said, splitting them up again seems to have been a good idea.  It was Gordon's.  They both seem to like having their own space and know that the room they are in is their very own.  One of their favorite things to do is throw Jillie out of their rooms (especially Alison) as if they are tying to get Jillie back for all the times she threw them out of hers!  Serves her right - it doesn't make Jillian very happy though. Anyway, as I said, we've put the closet doors back on, they look great, and moved the large toys around.  In Alison's room is the kitchen set against the wall where Natty's bed used to be, a rocking chair and one of the small bookcases and other things put away in her closet.  I've even separated their clothes and shoes.  Natalie's room has the dollhouse, the little plastic table and chairs that were outside, a rocking chair and a bookcase.  I have crayons and color books (Barney, of course) on the table and so far they are using the table as a work area.  Sometimes they will go back there by themselves to color quietly (believe it or not) or go in Alison's room to play with the kitchen set, now that it's more accessible.  Natalie's room (the old guest room) is really cute with children's artwork and her name on the walls and Mickie and Minnie.  I'll yank what's left of the wallpaper from Alison's room this winter.  While I was stripping Jillian's room the little ones got the idea that their room needed stripping too and started pulling the wallpaper off.  Oh well.

I don't want you to feel there is no room for you now Isa, that will never be true.  We all knew eventually we'd have to go the route of separate rooms for the girls. It seems fair.  We have had several discussions about what we would do when you come.  As I said Jillian said you could sleep in her room and she'd sleep on the floor.  She wanted to sleep in our room but we quickly told her she could sleep in Alison's room!  I had this idea.  I didn't talk to you on the phone about it because I was sure you'd say no, but I want you to think about it and let me know how you feel.  If you don't like the idea, feel free to tell me so.  I thought you might like to stay at Jimmy's for part of the time you  are here.  That way you won't have to get up early or go to bed early because the kids get up so early.  If you don't feel well one day or would like to just lay around one day without being bothered you could do it.  My schedule in the mornings now is get Jillian out the door at 9:00am then go to the health club with the twins.  When I'm done I can come up and get you.  On the days the twins are in school I'd come get you earlier if you wish, and we could run errands without them.  If you wanted to stay here one night or many we could do that too.  It's an opportunity for you to have a private space and alone time if you want it without being bombarded by our family 24 hours a day.  Gordon and I both think it can work and we do not feel it an imposition to drive to Danville to get you and you could leave as early or late as you like.  Anyway, it's something to think about.  Of course, we haven't talked to anyone about this, ie., Jimmy or Ella.  It's just an idea open for discussion.  Enough said.

The girls decided to be a "tribe"for Halloween.  I made Indian costumes for them.  They look so cute.  And the moccasins I brought from Utah on my way back from Virginia are perfect.  Jillian wants me to make costumes for Gordon and I too.  Gordon might look good as a tribal leader!  We'll see.

Any ideas on what you'd like for Christmas?  I've been looking around but if there is something specific, let me know.  We were going to get you that watch but you blew that idea!  Anyway suggestion would be helpful.

Well that's all for now.  Time to put the little ones to bed.  Take care and I'll talk to you soon.  Enjoy the pictures.  By the way, Jillie's school picture should be coming out soon.  She let me roll her hair and put a bow in it.  She looked like a model, even other mothers told me how beautiful she looked.  And she's still got all her teeth!  It should be a great picture.

Think of you -  Sharon and all


LAST LETTER DATED                  December 14,2000

Dear Isa,

Gordon's running out the door and I want him to mail these so I'll be brief.

These pictures were taken at Ron's Cabin mid-November.  7 inches of snow!

Also pictures of Sox and Jake.  Sox has white fur and is Natty's baby!

Also....Halloween!  Jillie was a flapper (won 1st prize at school for best costume), Alison, well, let's just say her costume suits her moods these days! (Ali went as a witch that year!) And Natalie was a very cute hippie.  A woman after my own heart!  Let's just hope she doesn't discover P O T!

Love you,
