Monday, October 15, 2012

The Kissing Gate

On our favorite walk down from the house and through town, past countless named houses, passing the Italian Restaurant in the Old Police Station, over a little bridge crossing the Annan Waters and up the Selkirk Road to Frenchlands, we pass through many, many gates.

Some are gates that separate driveways from fields.  Some are gates that keep sheep away from roads.  Some gates keep cows inside stone-walled enclosures.  Some gates keep sheep away from cows!  Some gates are ancient and some gates are new. 

But the best gates are the little semi-circled "kissing gates"!  They are gates that are usually attached to bigger gates so you don't have to open the big gate and risk an animal running through.  Some of these little gates are attached to the many old stacked-stoned walls.  They are shaped so that only one person may pass through at a person on one side,one person on another.  The normal construction is a half-round, rectangular, trapezoidal or V-shaped enclosure with a hinged gate trapped between its arms. When the gate is parked at either side of the enclosure, there is no gap to pass through.  The gate itself is usually self-closing, to the side away from the land where animals are kept.  Animals would not be able to get through these gates - EVER. 

The most perfect thing about these gates is their name...."kissing gates".  The etymology of the name is that the gate merely "kisses" (touches) the enclosure either side, rather than needing to be securely latched.  I like to think of a kissing gate as a place you must be kissed by your significant other each time you pass through! 

Each of our friends who have visited have had to pause for a snapshot of a kiss....and Gordon and I have many of these photos of us taken by our friends.  And now, Bob and Jeanne are here and we must capture a picture of them at their first kissing gate.

Yesterday we did the Archbank walk with Bob and Jeanne walking a long loop around the east end of town with pleasant views looking down and over the little town of Moffat.  After finishing our walk we came home to change shoes and then down to the little town for a bite to eat and a pint or two and to go through the Town Hall where the Sunday Market is set up selling different food products consisting of jams and jellies, meats and pies, veggies and cakes and chocolates and all sorts of other sweets and interesting things.  We then went to the Buccleuch for dinner at 7:30 and had a wonderful, tasty meal.  Home at 11:00 and to bed .....we have two jet-lagged visitors!

Today we set off to hike the Gray Mare's Tail.  All four of us went up to the Loch in good time, took a few pictures then the boys set off to hike all the way around the Loch and Jeanne and I hiked down and drove slightly further on toward St. Mary's Loch to have a pot of tea and a scone.  While sitting outside enjoying our view of the Loch and sipping tea we met a woman, Annie, who had biked down the Selkirk Road and visited with her a while exchanging life stories.  She has raised 3 boys and is an identical twin!

Back in town we called the boys just as they were finishing their hike and agreed to meet in town for a pint and fish and chips.  After Bob and Gordon went up to the house to shower and change and Jeanne and I wandered into the local antique store, Lothlorian.  An hour later and 2 sets of fish knives and forks and assorted other goodies, we are now back at home and thinking about the rest of the evening.  All-in-all a wonderful and VERY sunny day.

The Tail from the start of the path.

Starting up!

Jeanne and Bob.

3 on their way up!

Here comes Jeanne and Bob.....still on the way up!

 Oh-oh.....goats coming up on the path!

But they "shoo" away!

And continue to eat heathers and such.

Upper falls.

It flattens out right before the Loch.

Looking back toward the falls.

They've reached the top!

Loch Skene.
Bob and Gordon took the camera and headed off around the ridge line at the back of the Loch pictured above.

Bob Billy-goatin'!

The backside of the Loch looking toward where we walked up.

He made it!!!!

Truly billy-goatin'!

A cairn at the top of the Loch mountain.

Heading back down.

Check out that blue sky.

Almost down.

Can finally see the parking lot way off in the distance.  Almost there.

Oh yeah, about that "kissing gate".  There are all kinds of kisses to give and receive.  Some are just pecks.  Some are kisses with loving looks.  Some are sweet and tender.  But some of them are downright passionate.  I think Bob and Jeanne fall into the latter!

What would your "kissing gate" experience be like?

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